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Why Choose Private Alcohol Detox?


When choosing an alcohol detox program, it is important that you choose one that is most suitable to your needs, goals, and comfort. Accommodations contend with some of the most valuable aspects of an alcohol detox program. Unless you are comfortable, feel able to engage openly in your recovery, and are assured a certain degree of trust and privacy while receiving top quality care, the likelihood of remaining engaged in the alcohol detox program can be reduced. No one wants to admit that they have an alcohol abuse problem and the ambivalence to enter treatment may be a result of concerns over what others might think, including friends, family, employers, or social agencies. A private alcohol detox accentuates the necessity of keeping medical and mental health issues confidential while addressing the complexities of alcohol detox and the many relative issues that the individual may present to improve the outcomes.

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Few things in today’s society are more valuable than privacy. Beyond the confidentiality of treatment obtained in a private alcohol detox center, is the ability to find the peace and serenity that alcohol detox recovery demands.For most people, a private detox would take place in a safe and controlled environment away from the immediate temptations that so many individuals have a hard time in letting go of while trying to focus on their recovery.

Patients will usually have the same counselors, doctors, nurses, and other staff caring for them throughout treatment which offers a more complete modem of privacy and trust in those relationships and ultimately, the care that one can receive.

Treatment Retention

The course of alcohol withdrawals can be unpredictable, varying by individual, and with each withdrawal event. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “detoxification alone does not address the psychological, social, and behavioral problems associated with addiction and therefore does not typically produce lasting behavioral changes necessary for recovery.” Maintaining the course of stay is critical to maximize the alcohol detox treatment success.

While the physical symptoms one experiences during an alcohol detox may be alleviated over a matter of several days abstinence in most individuals, intensified cravings and stress often lead to relapse nearly as quick as the alcohol dependent begins to feel better. Separation from alcohol-related environmental and social stimuli in a private alcohol detox reduces the risk of relapse.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Private Alcohol Detox

Anyone who requires 100% confidentiality should attend private alcohol detox.

Repeat intoxications and withdrawals from alcohol play havoc on the central nervous system and have a kindling effect that leads to increased severity of withdrawal symptoms each time the person goes through the process. According to a published study from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), “Withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures, result from neurochemical imbalances in the brain of alcoholics who suddenly reduce or cease alcohol consumption. These imbalances may be exacerbated after repeated withdrawal experiences.”

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can begin within hours of the last drink and a person experiencing the effects of trembling hands, nausea, irritability, anxiety, and cravings may still have significant levels of alcohol in their blood. A high tolerance to alcohol is a result of neuro-adaptations that takes more alcohol for the person to keep the chemical balances of the brain in check to feel “well” or prevent the onset of more severe withdrawals.

Other common alcohol withdrawal symptoms may include:

• Insomnia
• Fatigue
• Agitation
• Vomiting
• Loss of Appetite
• Vivid Dreams
• Headache
• Sensitivity to light and sounds
• Hallucinations
• Delirium Tremons (DTs) characterized by disorientation, tremors, severe agitation, high fever, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, breathing irregularities, and other symptoms.

Addressing Complex Medical Issues

According to the NIAAA, alcohol contributes to more than 200 diseases or injury related health conditions. Alcohol effects on the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, immune system, and cancer risks have a highly influential impact on the person’s willingness to undergo alcohol detox and the dangers that can arise.

To those who have lived with these afflictions for long, the chances that they are, indeed, under more stress and at greater risk of increased symptom severities and/or complications during an alcohol detox is where a safe, confidential, and medically managed detox plan at a private alcohol detox can be most valuable.

Addressing Complex Psychiatric Issues

According to the National Institutes of Health, “Recent studies have shown that alcohol-dependent individuals have exceptionally high rates of co-occurring psychiatric disorders and poorer prognosis in treatment.” Depression and suicidal ideations are symptoms that can become extremely volatile for months after an alcohol detox and users who suffer significant stress and emotional imbalances commonly caused by alcohol abuse have a long road to travel before these issues can truly be resolved.

A private alcohol detox can help the person deal with vulnerabilities they are bound to face during this crucial time. According to the SAMHSA’s Treatment Episode Date Set, in 2012, “About one-third of substance abuse treatment admissions had a psychiatric problem” and among the admissions, “alcohol was the most commonly reported substance of abuse…” Tailored, individual treatment plans that address these co-existing issues in an alcohol detox are crucial to any long term effectiveness in recovery.

We can help you find private alcohol detox centers; call 800-996-6135(Info iconSponsored) to speak with a treatment specialist today!

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