Damason P Detox
Damason P is a brand name medication containing aspirin and hydrocodone, the second ingredient of which is an opioid drug. Many people take this medication as prescribed to treat pain, but unfortunately, it is also highly abused because it can create relaxation and euphoria when taken in high doses. Both long-term use and abuse can lead to dependence, which may require Damason P detox treatment.
Opioid dependence is a dangerous side effect of long-term Damason P use. When a person becomes dependent on this drug, they will need help being weaned off it or they will experience intense withdrawal symptoms, some of which can even be life-threatening. Those who have been abusing Damason P will need to go through detox in a professional facility, which will then need to be followed with addiction treatment.
Understanding Damason P Abuse
Damason P is a kind of hydrocodone combination product, according to the National Library of Medicine. This drug contains hydrocodone and aspirin and is meant to treat moderate to severe pain.
- Some people are prescribed Damason P as a treatment option after receiving surgery. Others may be given the medication if they are in considerable pain from an accident. It is important to only take the medication in the way your doctor prescribed.
- Damason P can make a person feel good, and sometimes, people abuse the medication. This can lead to people taking more of the drug than prescribed, taking it more often than prescribed, or using it in a different way than prescribed (such as crushing and snorting it to make the effects come on faster).
- Other people take Damason P without having a prescription at all. This often happens because people want to stave off withdrawal symptoms when they become dependent on other opioid-based drugs.
Damason P abuse is always dangerous and can lead to serious side effects. Unfortunately, with the opioid epidemic running rampant in the United States, all drugs of this class are very vulnerable to abuse, which often leads to serious effects like addiction.
Damason P Abuse and Dependence
Dependence is another serious outcome of Damason P abuse. It occurs when the body and brain come to depend on the way the drug affects them, in this case, minimizing pain and creating relaxation. When an individual becomes dependent on this drug, it will be hard for them to feel normal without it, possibly even to get out of bed or to get through the day.
It is important to note that Damason P dependence occurs whether a person was abusing the drug or not, as long as they were taking it regularly for a few weeks or more. Even if you take this medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor, you are still likely to experience dependence if you take it long enough.
Damason P Withdrawal
Those who do become dependent on Damason P will not be able to stop taking it without experiencing withdrawal. Withdrawal occurs when a person dependent on a drug suddenly stops taking it. The body and brain have to adjust to this change, so the individual will experience uncomfortable, even unbearable symptoms. According to the NLM, not everyone realizes why they are experiencing these symptoms, especially because they are very similar to influenza.
Signs and Symptoms of Damason P Withdrawal
Damason P causes opioid withdrawal when an individual becomes dependent on the hydrocodone in the medication. The symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal are uncomfortable and feel like going through a bad case of the flu. They are easy to identify in another person and in oneself.
The common symptoms include

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- Agitation
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Muscle, joint, and bone pain
- Runny nose
- Watery eyes
- Dilated pupils
- Goosebumps
- Chills
- Hot flashes
- Yawning
- High blood pressure
- Fever
- Quickened pulse
- Sweating
- Abdominal cramps
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
Uncomplicated withdrawal from opioids isn’t usually life-threatening. However, there are many issues associated with Damason P withdrawal, and doctors recommend that those going through it seek at least some form of professional treatment. This is the only way to be certain you will be able to safely navigate your withdrawal from the drug.
Timeline of Damason P Withdrawal
Damason P withdrawal usually lasts about a week or two. The drug is a short-acting opioid, so you will most likely begin to experience withdrawal effects around 8 hours or so after your last dose.
- Day 1-3: The first 24 hours are usually the most uncomfortable. Flu-like symptoms will begin, and many individuals also start to experience pain and discomfort at this point. For the first 3 days, these are usually the symptoms one will experience.
- Day 4-6: Often, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea begin at this point, as well as abdominal pain. Muscle, bone, and joint pain will usually continue, as will the flu-like symptoms. Depression will linger through the full week in most individuals as well.
- Day 7-10: Most people begin to experience diminishing symptoms by this point. However, withdrawal can last as long as 15 days in some instances, so it is important for detoxing individuals to stay in treatment for the full duration of their withdrawal.
PAWS stands for post-acute withdrawal syndrome, which is the name for the symptoms that linger on after withdrawal has basically ended. These symptoms can include depression, pain, and sleep problems, and they can last for weeks. Some individuals also experience diminished ability to focus during opioid-related PAWS when compared to those not going through the syndrome.
Dangers of Damason P Withdrawal
Damason P withdrawal is caused by the opioid hydrocodone in the combination drug. Many people believe they will experience a mild withdrawal syndrome, as opioids are considered to have one of the less dangerous types of withdrawal. If it is uncomplicated, the process shouldn’t cause too many serious effects, but there are still a number of potential dangers one could encounter during this time.
- Relapse is always a risk during withdrawal, but it is especially dangerous for opioid users. Many people don’t realize that, if they relapse after or during detox, their tolerances will be lower. As a result, they often use the same amount of the drug that they used to, which can quickly lead to overdose. Opioid overdose can be deadly. The drug causes respiration to slow considerably, and many people stop breathing altogether, causing coma, brain damage, and death.
- Dehydration is also a dangerous potential complication of Damason P withdrawal. Those who go through the second leg of withdrawal often do not realize that it will cause them to lose a lot of fluids. If they do not replenish them, it could become a medical emergency.
- Depression can also become complicated, even dangerous. Some individuals don’t realize that they are feeling depressed as a result of their withdrawal symptoms and may even try to take their own lives. People going through opioid withdrawal should always be screened for depression.
In order to avoid any potentially dangerous effects of Damason P detox, make sure you go through it in a safe, controlled environment surrounded by knowledgeable medical staff.
Am I Dependent on Damason P?
As stated by the Drug Enforcement Administration, those who abuse hydrocodone will become dependent, tolerant, and finally, addicted to the drug if they keep using it long enough. However, even if you are taking the medication as prescribed, you might still be dependent if you are taking it regularly and have been for more than a few weeks.
Do you feel you will not be able to function normally without the drug? Have you ever experienced any withdrawal symptoms when you were unable to obtain it? If you answered yes to both questions, you are already dependent.
Should I Go through Damason P Withdrawal at Home?
No. Going through opioid withdrawal without the proper treatment is dangerous, even if it is uncomplicated. You may be able to attend outpatient care for your needs if you have friends and family members who can monitor you while you are not in treatment, but you absolutely must seek at least some sort of professional care for your detox from Damason P.
Damason P Detox Treatment
Detoxing from Damason P is similar to detoxing from other opioids. According to the World Health Organization, one of three medications may be used to treat your symptoms.
- Clonidine: an antihypertensive that treats some of the withdrawal symptoms associated with Damason P and is usually most effective for those who are dependent but not addictive
- Methadone: a powerful opioid agonist that treats withdrawal symptoms (including cravings)
- Buprenorphine: a partial opioid agonist that treats withdrawal symptoms and is safer in the instance of potential abuse than methadone
If you decide to be treated with one of the latter two medications, you may choose to continue being maintained on them after your withdrawal period ends. Otherwise, you could choose to be weaned off them slowly during detox. Behavioral therapies can help you learn to manage your symptoms, and some additional medications may be administered when necessary, such as antidepressants.
The program usually lasts about 30 days, although it may be shorter in the case of rapid detox or short-term detox. However, you should never leave your treatment program early, as staying in treatment for its full duration is connected with positive outcomes (National Institute on Drug Abuse).
What Happens After Detox?
Once you have finished your detox program, you will need addiction treatment if you have been abusing Damason P. After all, detox is only a treatment for dependence, not for addiction. Without the proper follow-up program, you will be very vulnerable to relapse and potentially to overdose.
Some people choose inpatient rehab while others prefer outpatient. It is best to choose a professional program and then to seek an aftercare option once it has ended. Some people choose long-term or multiple treatment options over the course of their lives, which can be highly beneficial, especially if you have tried to stop abusing Damason P more than once.
- U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2018). Hydrocodone Combination Products.
- U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2016). Opiate and Opioid Withdrawal.
- U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. (2014). Hydrocodone (Trade Names: Vicodin®, Lortab®, Lorcet-HD®, Hycodan®, Vicoprofen®).
- World Health Organization. (2009). Clinical Guidelines for Withdrawal Management and Treatment of Drug Dependence in Closed Settings- 4 Withdrawal Management.
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition)- What Helps People Stay in Treatment?