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Gabapentin Detox: What is it and How Can Treatment Help?

People who take gabapentin to treat conditions such as seizures and restless leg syndrome can sometimes end up abusing the drug and form an addiction. Over time, these individuals can also become physically dependent on gabapentin, which makes it difficult for them to stay clean when they’re ready to stop using. One of the safest ways to overcome dependency on gabapentin is to seek treatment at rehab centers that offer gabapentin detox and addiction therapies.

Are you addicted to gabapentin or another prescription drug? Understand that you don’t have to overcome addiction and physical dependency on your own. Call the 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-996-6135(Info iconSponsored) to learn more about centers that offer detoxification, counseling, and therapy.

Call any time for more information on gabapentin detox and treatment options.

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Understanding Gabapentin Addiction and Withdrawal

Some patients say that gabapentin produces a euphoric high, a sense of calm, and improved sociability, which is why many tend to abuse the drug recreationally. Others admit to abusing gabapentin in an effort to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms caused by other illicit drug use. At this time, scientists are saying gabapentin is not addictive since it doesn’t interfere with nerve receptors in the same manner as opioids or benzodiazepines; however, some patients still manage to develop a physical dependency on the drug.

When users suddenly stop taking gabapentin on their own, they go on to experience one or more mild to severe physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. Some of these symptoms can be dangerous and/or life-threatening, such as seizures, vomiting, and depression. In many cases, the cravings and withdrawal symptoms triggered by quitting gabapentin abruptly can lead to relapse, and increase the risk for an overdose. Unlike with opiates, there is no overdose reversal drug for gabapentin.

Here are common gabapentin withdrawal symptoms:

Gabapentin Detox

Anxiety and depression are common gabapentin withdrawal symptoms.

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Stress
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Runny nose
  • Tearing eyes
  • Muscle aches
  • Sweating
  • Seizures

Fortunately, those who struggle with gabapentin addiction can overcome these withdrawal symptoms safely at rehab centers that offer detoxification services. Inpatient rehab centers offer patients 24/7 access to medical support in the event they need help throughout detox and withdrawal.

Using Gabapentin Detox to Overcome Addiction

Gabapentin detox programs usually involve a treatment method known as tapering, which is when physicians lower a patient’s dosage gradually over time until they are no longer using the drug. Tapering is proven effective at helping users safely quit gabapentin while offering a lower risk for adverse side effects such as increased anxiety and seizures. The detox stage of treatment can last anywhere between several weeks to several months, depending on a patient’s physical dependency to gabapentin.

Patients addicted to alcohol and/or other drugs in addition to gabapentin may require longer detox periods or different treatments to overcome physical dependency. At the time of intake and assessment, rehab physicians perform an evaluation and recommend the best course of treatment based on a patient’s unique addiction status. Many times, gabapentin detox is combined with counseling and therapy that help patients overcome the psychological causes leading to addiction

If you are addicted to gabapentin, seek help right away to get started on the path to improved health and sobriety. Call 800-996-6135(Info iconSponsored) to learn more about gabapentin detox and treatment centers that can help you overcome addiction and physical dependency.


  1. British Journal of General Practice. (2012). Substance misuse of gabapentin.
  2. Clinical Neuropharmacology. (2001). Gabapentin withdrawal syndrome.
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2016). Understanding Drug Abuse and Addiction: What Science Says- 8: Medical detoxification.
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