Duragesic Detox

Duragesic detox will help you recover; call now!

Duragesic is an opioid drug that is meant to treat severe pain. The medication is a brand name for the generic fentanyl, and it is marketed as a patch that is worn on the skin. Usually, the drug is only prescribed to those who are already dependent on opioids, although a person can certainly experience dependence on Duragesic if they use it often and regularly. Sadly, many people even abuse Duragesic, especially those who are already addicted to opioids. If you or someone you love has been struggling with a dependence on this substance, it may be time to seek out Duragesic detox. This professional treatment program will help you begin your recovery from addiction and put an end to your dependence as safely as possible.

You can call 800-996-6135 today to learn more about Duragesic withdrawal and to find local Duragesic detox centers that will suit your safe recovery.

Understanding Duragesic Detox

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Duragesic is a transdermal patch that contains fentanyl, meant to be placed on the skin in order to treat severe pain. Most people who are prescribed the patch are individuals who experience pain constantly, like cancer patients, and Duragesic can help ease this issue, especially in those who are already taking opioid medications around the clock. Most people who take the drug as prescribed by a doctor are already dependent on opioids, which means they will experience withdrawal symptoms if they are unable to access more of the drug.

Duragesic detox is a treatment program for those who have become dependent on this drug. Some people who take Duragesic as prescribed will require this type of care, although many would prefer to go through a slow tapering process in a doctor’s office. Individuals who have been abusing Duragesic, however, will often require detox as their first treatment for addiction. Once they have put an end to their drug dependence in detox, they can focus on rehabilitation.

It is often difficult to recognize when you or someone you love is in need of treatment at a Duragesic detox center. In many cases, it can even be painful to admit this need. But just like with any other illness, addiction and dependence require understanding and treatment by professional caregivers.

Duragesic Withdrawal Symptoms

The withdrawal effects associated with Duragesic are similar to those experienced by other opioid-dependent individuals. The drug is meant to portion out the amount of fentanyl a person needs over time, but addicted individuals sometimes ingest the patch or do other things to speed up the effects. Whether or not an individual does this may affect the amount of time it will take for the withdrawal symptoms to come about.

The National Library of Medicine states that users who suddenly stop taking fentanyl or using Duragesic will experience “unpleasant” withdrawal symptoms if they are dependent. These symptoms may include

  • Flu-like symptoms such as sneezing, vomiting, runny nose, tearing of the eyes, sweating, chills, hot flashes, and yawning
  • Dilated pupils
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Pain in the muscles, joints, and bones
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Agitation
  • Irritability

As you can see, Duragesic causes a dependency that is both psychological and physical. People who struggle with this withdrawal syndrome will require treatment and will need to be under strict medical supervision, especially due to the intensity of the drug’s effects.

You don’t have to go through Duragesic withdrawal on your own. Let us help you find a detox facility where you can begin your recovery and avoid experiencing the severe symptoms of withdrawal. Call 800-996-6135 now.

Cause of Duragesic Withdrawal

Duragesic withdrawal can happen for many reasons. It is important to understand if you are at risk for this syndrome and to seek help before you begin to experience symptoms.

Those using Duragesic regularly as prescribed by a doctor will often become dependent.

The patch is only meant to be used when necessary, in order to minimize the chances of this issue occurring, but many people who use Duragesic are already dependent on other opioid drugs. Therefore, they will still need help during withdrawal.

Duragesic is also abused by a large population of opioid addicts.

As stated previously, some people even ingest the drug in order to make its effects come on faster. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, it can also serve as a “direct substitute” for those who are dependent on heroin. When these individuals are suddenly unable to obtain more opioids, heroin, or Duragesic, they experience severe withdrawal symptoms.

One of the most dangerous forms of Duragesic withdrawal includes neonatal abstinence syndrome.

This occurs when an opioid-dependent individual gives birth to a baby who was exposed to the drug while in the womb. This syndrome is similar to opioid withdrawal, but because the baby is so young, it can be even more dangerous, in some cases, even deadly.

Finding the cause of your Duragesic withdrawal is important, but so is seeking a safe, effective treatment program where you can recover and be treated for your symptoms.

How Long Will Duragesic Detox Take?

Duragesic detox usually takes about a week or two. Most individuals who go through opioid detox in a treatment facility usually require at least a month to fully finish their detox program and move on to addiction treatment. Generally, detox from opioids comes in three stages.

Stage One

  • 1-3 days
  • Starts 6-12 hours after one’s last use of the drug
  • Severe pain in the bones, muscles, and joints
  • Feels similar to the flu, which often confuses people
  • One of the most vulnerable stages for relapse

Stage Two

  • 3-5 days
  • Vomiting and nausea are common
  • Lingering flu-like and pain symptoms

Stage Three

  • 1-5 days
  • Symptoms linger but the patient starts to get better
  • Should still be accompanied with plenty of bed rest and relaxation

Some individuals try to go back to work or leave treatment too early during the final stage of withdrawal, and this can be extremely dangerous. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, patients who stay in treatment for the full duration of the program benefit more and are less likely to relapse.

In addition, professional detox may last longer than the duration of withdrawal so patients can become stabilized. Especially if an individual is taking medication during detox, this could prolong the process of withdrawal. However, it is much less uncomfortable and many individuals are able to recover safely with medication treatment during Duragesic withdrawal.

We want to help you find a Duragesic detox program that will allow you to recover safely from your dependence on the drug. Without this type of help, withdrawal can be uncomfortable and even dangerous. Call 800-996-6135 now to learn more.

Are There Dangers?

There are many dangers associated with opioid withdrawal and specifically with Duragesic detox. The NIDA states that fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine, which makes it extremely dangerous. This is also why dependence must be treated safely and in a medical capacity.

Plenty of serious outcomes can occur if an individual tries to detox at home such as

  • The individual is alone and experiences a severe physical or psychological reaction to detox.
  • The individual relapses because withdrawal symptoms are so severe.
  • The individual experiences intense depression and/or anxiety and acts out as a result, leading to accidental or intentional self-harm.
  • The individual aspirates when vomiting and is unable to breathe.
  • The individual experiences dehydration from the vomiting, diarrhea, and sweating caused by withdrawal.
  • The individual cannot gauge when their own withdrawal syndrome has ended, causing them to try to go back to living life too early.
  • The individual relapses because of a secret stash of the drug no one else knew about.
  • The individual begins to exhibit signs of anorexia from not eating and losing lots of bodily fluids.

Any of these scenarios could occur with Duragesic withdrawal that does not take place in a Duragesic detox center. Many individuals do not think opioid withdrawal is dangerous because it does not cause shaking like alcohol withdrawal or delirium like benzodiazepine withdrawal. As a result, it is often underestimated, and people who try to go through withdrawal at home die.

The NLM lists relapse as the biggest complication with this type of withdrawal syndrome. Especially during detox, relapse can lead to a severe overdose, even a deadly one. This is why people going through withdrawal should be in a treatment center where they can receive medical treatment and care during this difficult and risky time. Make sure you seek the care you need for yourself or your loved one by calling 800-996-6135 now.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Withdrawal?

Duragesic detox treatment requires care in a professional detox facility. Most people who become dependent on this drug are abusing it and will also require intensive rehab treatment afterward. Some individuals can be weaned off the drug under a doctor’s care, but because the substance is so intense, it is best to do so in a detox center. In addition, detox only treats dependence, so if you are addicted, you will need further care afterward.

Medication is one of the main treatment options provided in Duragesic detox. Here are some of the most commonly used pharmacological treatment options during detox.


Buprenorphine may be prescribed alone (Subutex) or with naloxone (Suboxone). Either way, the patient will go through three phases, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: the induction phase, the stabilization phase, and the maintenance phase. Some individuals are weaned off the drug while others stay on it indefinitely. Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist-antagonist that can treat withdrawal symptoms, cravings, and other issues associated with Duragesic dependence. Most detox centers offer this or another type of medication to individuals going through withdrawal.


Methadone is an opioid agonist that is stronger than buprenorphine but less safe in the instance of abuse. As such, patients who take it must do so only at their local Duragesic detox centers. Because methadone is stronger, it may be a better choice for those with severe dependencies as well as those who were abusing heroin and other intense opioids. Otherwise, the patient may not be able to experience stabilization and will instead continue to suffer through withdrawal.


Clonidine is not an opioid but it can be used to treat opioid withdrawal symptoms such as the flu-like symptoms, diarrhea, and pain (NLM). Unfortunately, this drug cannot treat cravings so those who have been abusing Duragesic may want to seek a different type of pharmacological treatment.

Behavioral therapies will also be an important part of your Duragesic detox program. Though many think this should only apply to rehab, beginning behavioral therapy in detox can help patients make a smoother transition between these two treatment programs. In addition, it can help those with severe anxiety about seeking treatment and stopping Duragesic use or abuse. Some of the commonly used behavioral therapies include

There are also other types of detox programs that many patients benefit from greatly. It is important to consider if one of these options may be helpful for your recovery.

  • Rapid detox: a program that allows patients to go through detox quickly while under sedation
  • Holistic detox: a program that provides alternative treatment options such as yoga, Tai Chi, meditation therapy, massage therapy, etc.
  • Spiritual detox: a program that helps patients spiritually during detox by giving them a way to discuss their spiritual journey with an advisor
  • Non-medical detox: a program that does not provide medication as part of Duragesic detox

One or none of these options may prove beneficial to you, and there is always medical detox from Duragesic. Whichever of these options you choose, you will be able to recover safely with medical professionals watching over you. Professional care is always a much better choice than detoxing at home.

Contact Detox.com now to find Duragesic detox centers near you!

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Inpatient or Outpatient Duragesic Detox

Inpatient and outpatient treatment are the two categories under which most Duragesic detox programs fall. One is more intensive than the other. Every patient is different, and one of these two programs may be better for your needs.

Inpatient care provides:

  • Medical detox (including medication in most cases)
  • 24-hour care
  • A staff of medical professionals
  • A controlled environment
  • A safe place to withdraw
  • Holistic treatments (often)
  • Help for those transitioning from detox to rehab

Outpatient care provides:

  • Medical detox (including medication in most cases)
  • Flexible treatment schedules
  • A staff of medical professionals
  • A safe place to withdraw
  • Additional treatments (such as drug education, 12-step meetings, etc.)
  • Help for those transitioning from detox to rehab

Most programs offer the same treatment options in general. However, inpatient care provides more intensive treatment. But which is right for you or your loved one?

Benefits of Inpatient Duragesic Detox

Choosing inpatient care is often safer, especially if it is your first time going through detox. Many individuals require a controlled environment where they will not be able to relapse during detox.

According to a study published by Psychiatric Quarterly, inpatient care is often effective for those who have a comorbid mental disorder and/or lack a support system of friends and family members to help them through treatment. Others who may want to choose this program include

  • Individuals who need more structure during Duragesic detox
  • Individuals who are afraid they will relapse
  • Individuals who do not have a safe home environment
  • Individuals who have regular access to Duragesic or other opioids
  • Individuals who want to take time away from their day-to-day lives to focus on detox and recovery

There are many benefits of inpatient care, but you have to figure out which program is right for you. According to the NIDA, “Good outcomes are contingent on adequate treatment length.” If you are still unsure, just call 800-996-6135 .  

Find a Local Duragesic Detox Center

Our treatment advisors are available 24/7 to help you find local Duragesic detox centers and begin your recovery right. We just need you to have a few things ready when you call.

  1. Your insurance plan information
  2. Your medical information
  3. Your substance abuse history
  4. Your needs for treatment, including any accommodations you will require from your care facility

Once you call, we will be able to match you with a facility that will best suit your needs.

There is no need to go through Duragesic detox alone. It is dangerous, scary, and painful. Therefore, seeking treatment is the best way to ensure you can safely go through the experience with the help of doctors, nurses, and other professionals. Call 800-996-6135 now to find detox programs that will allow you to make the most effective recovery possible.


  1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2005). Duragesic.
  2. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2018). Fentanyl.
  3. Drug Enforcement Administration. (2016). Fentanyl (Trade Names: Actiq®, FentoraTM, Duragesic®).
  4. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (3rd Edition). 
  5. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2016). Fentanyl.
  6. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2016). Opiate and Opioid Withdrawal.
  7. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2016). Buprenorphine.
  8. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2017). Clonidine.
  9. The Psychiatric Quarterly. (1993). Inpatient vs Outpatient Treatment for Substance Dependence Revisited. 
  10. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). How Long Does Drug Addiction Treatment Usually Last?
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