Getting Sober

Getting sober is a choice, a process, and a long-term change. Those who choose to stop using drugs and to get sober should understand the time and effort required to make a real change in their lives, as well as the necessary steps to take in order for one to build a strong recovery that will last.

If you or someone you love is struggling with a substance use disorder and needs help, call 800-996-6135 today to find available treatment options.

Making a Decision: Commit to Quit

As stated above, deciding to get sober is a difficult choice to make, although it is usually the safest and healthiest choice. Though many people want to get sober, simply wanting to isn’t usually enough. You will have to make a definite decision to do all you can in order to avoid a relapse back to substance abuse and to avoid other dangerous thoughts and actions that could lead you back down this road.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “People can’t simply stop using drugs for a few days and be cured.” One has to make a conscious effort for a long time in order to protect themselves from returning to substance abuse, and it starts with the initial decision to get sober.

Ask yourself these questions and try to answer them honestly:

  • Has using drugs caused more problems in my life than it has solved?
  • Am I worried I won’t be able to stop, even though I want to?
  • Have my loved ones expressed concern over my drug use?
  • Have I lost things that were once important to me because of my substance abuse?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can see how important it is to stop using drugs and to make a change in your life. But it isn’t something you can do easily. It takes conviction and strength. In short, you have to make a decision that you will stick with to the best of your ability.

Asking for Help

Getting Sober

Having support from loved ones will strengthen your commitment to sobriety.

No matter how much conviction you have, though, you will probably still need at least some help from others. One of the most important things to remember when you make the decision to get sober is to ask for the help and support of those around you. If you feel like you’re going through recovery all on your own, it will be so much harder than if you reach out to others and ask for their assistance.

  • One of the best ways to get help is to ask your friends, family members, significant others, and anyone else important in your life to be there for you while you are getting sober. Having the support of loved ones has actually been scientifically proven to make recovery easier and more successful.
  • The NIDA states that the involvement of a loved one in a person’s recovery can actually extend and strengthen the benefits of treatment and well as help a person stay in care longer.
  • If you have chosen to attend treatment that does not allow for you to stay in the facility overnight, you may want to ask someone you feel close to if you can stay with them. This will make recovery easier because you will not be relying entirely on your own willpower to make sure you don’t make any mistakes. Asking for support is totally acceptable during recovery.
  • If you don’t have anyone in your life who can support you in your quest to get sober, try to think of the people at your treatment facility as your support system. They want to see you recover safely and effectively, and it can help to remember you are not alone in achieving this goal.

Seek Treatment

Without the proper care, it can be nearly impossible in many cases for a person to recover from a substance use disorder. Addiction requires treatment and professional care just like any other illness, and this type of regular maintenance can actually help you avoid issues like relapse.

Call today to get help with addiction treatment.

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According to the NIDA, addiction treatment helps patients

  • Stop using drugs
  • Decrease their criminal activity
  • Improve their occupational, social, and psychological functioning
  • Avoid relapse
  • Avoid uncomfortable or dangerous withdrawal symptoms

When a person does not seek this type of care, it is much harder to stay on track with the goals of recovery and getting sober. Evidence-based practices like medications and behavioral therapies treat the issues that often arise during recovery such as withdrawal, cravings, depression, etc. And having constant care and access to medical professionals will make your recovery safer and more likely to succeed.

Be Prepared for Roadblocks

Again, getting sober takes time, and recovery is a process. Most individuals don’t make the decision to stop using and experience a perfect recovery from there. In many cases, recovering addicts face issues like the temptation to use, intense cravings, mood disturbances like anxiety, and painful withdrawal symptoms.

face recovery challenges head onAddiction relapse rates are between 40 and 60 percent. As a result, relapse is almost a constant threat for most individuals who have suffered from a severe addiction syndrome. However, with the right treatments, support, and of course, with time, these issues will lessen. This is not to say that someone recovering from an addiction will never experience a desire to relapse late into their recovery, but most people learn to control the issue as they become more able to recognize it.

However, if you do relapse, it is also important to keep going. Go back to treatment, ask a loved one for help, whatever you do, pick yourself up and continue your recovery.

Celebrate Your Milestones

Getting Sober

Be proud of every achievement on your recovery journey!

It is just as important to acknowledge your successes as your failures. When you notice you have reached an important milestone, like staying sober for a year, celebrate it. Make sure you are recognizing the great achievements you’re making even as you plan to improve on your recovery in general.

Let Us Help You Find Treatment

Finding the right treatment program is an essential part of a safe, effective recovery, as it will help you get––and––stay sober. Detox is often the first step of this process. Call 800-996-6135 now to find detox and rehab centers.


  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction.
  2. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition)- How Can Family and Friends Make a Difference in the Life of Someone Needing Treatment?
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition)- How Effective Is Drug Addiction Treatment?
  4. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction- Treatment and Recovery.
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