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Kadian Detox

Detox will help you get through Kadian withdrawal safely.

Kadian is an extended-release capsule that contains the opioid drug morphine. While this medication can be effective at treating pain, it is also a drug that can cause an intense dependency, for which many people may require treatment. In addition, a large population of drug abusers misuses Kadian and other similar products, which can also lead to dependence and even addiction. In this instance, Kadian detox will be necessary to help the individual work through their dependence on the drug.

Kadian detox cannot cure addiction, but it is often the first step in one’s safe and effective addiction recovery. Call 800-996-6135(Who Answers?) today to learn more about the options for Kadian addiction treatment, detox, and recovery. Our treatment advisors are standing by 24 hours a day to help people like you make a change for the better.

Understanding Kadian Detox

Kadian is a strong opioid drug. It is the brand name for the extended-release medication containing morphine, an intense, natural opiate that is found in the poppy plant. According to the National Library of Medicine, Kadian is normally taken every 12 or 24 hours with or without food for the treatment of pain. Because of the intense potential for dependence and abuse, most doctors will not prescribe Kadian unless the patient is grappling with severe pain or is already dependent on opioids.

Kadian detox is necessary when a person becomes dependent on this drug and needs help going through withdrawal. In many cases, doctors will wean patients off of opioids when they become dependent as the result of treatment, but those who have been abusing the drug will absolutely need treatment in a professional Kadian detox center. Afterward, addiction treatment in the form of rehab is often necessary as well.

It can be very difficult to admit that you require help for Kadian addiction and/or dependence, but remember that your recovery will be much easier if you seek the care you need, rather than trying to go it alone. It is very dangerous to try and go through Kadian withdrawal without the proper care.

Kadian Withdrawal Symptoms

The symptoms of Kadian withdrawal are similar to those caused by other opioid drugs. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the most common symptoms associated with this drug’s withdrawal syndrome are

  • Restlessness
  • Lacrimation
  • Rhinorrhea
  • Yawning
  • Perspiration
  • Chills
  • Myalgia
  • Mydriasis

Other symptoms may include

  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Backache
  • Joint pain
  • Weakness
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Anorexia
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Increased heart rate

Individuals who begin to experience these symptoms after discontinuing their use of Kadian—or after no longer being able to obtain more of the drug—often need intense treatment in the form of detox. This allows individuals to be treated for their symptoms and/or to receive medications that block the symptoms. Withdrawal can occur whether a person has been abusing Kadian or not as long as they have been taking it often and in large doses regularly for several weeks or longer.

Cause of Kadian Withdrawal

Kadian withdrawal is caused by dependence, which occurs when a person takes the drug regularly for a long period of time. This can happen if someone is taking Kadian under a doctor’s orders for the treatment of pain. It can also occur if a person is taking the drug as prescribed and starts abusing it or if they begin abusing it without a prescription from the start. In addition, anyone who becomes addicted to Kadian will usually be dependent as well, although a person doesn’t have to be addicted to be dependent.

Kadian withdrawal can occur in a number of ways and for a number of reasons. Here are a few common scenarios.

  • A person abuses Kadian because they want to get high, becomes addicted, and can no longer obtain more of the drug.
  • A person starts to take more Kadian than prescribed and suddenly runs out.
  • A person takes Kadian exactly as prescribed for several weeks or months and then stops.
  • A person takes Kadian while pregnant, and when the baby is born, withdrawal symptoms occur because the baby is no longer exposed to the drug.

This last issue is known as neonatal abstinence syndrome and can be very dangerous, even deadly. Though opioid withdrawal is considered to be one of the less dangerous types of substance withdrawal, it can still cause serious problems for the individual affected.

We want to help you find the safest, most effective care for your or your loved one’s Kadian detox. There are many different options, so let us help you find the best choice for your needs. Simply call 800-996-6135(Who Answers?) today.

How Long Will Kadian Detox Take?

A Kadian detox program usually takes about a month to complete. In medical detox, patients may be given medications to treat their symptoms, which usually last about a week or two with the rest of the time used to prepare the individual for the transition into rehab treatment. However, other detox programs that provide medication maintenance may take the full month to stabilize the patient on a different type of medication.

In general, if simply treated medically, Kadian withdrawal has three stages.

Stage One

Stage one usually involves the painful symptoms associated with opioid dependence. Many individuals experience intense bone, muscle, and joint pain as well as abdominal pain. Stage one also is associated with the symptoms of runny nose, sneezing, and chills. Many people compare this stage to the flu.

Stage Two

Stage two sees most patients experiencing vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. This stage is very uncomfortable, especially when symptoms from stage one linger on.

Stage Three

Stage three is difficult to recognize because it can sometimes feel like withdrawal has ended. However, the patient is very susceptible to a relapse during this stage and symptoms can still occur.

The first stage usually lasts a day or two while the second may last three to five. The third will sometimes last anywhere from one day to a week, depending on the severity of the withdrawal and how long it takes the patient to recover.

Different detox programs have different timelines, however. For example, there are some detox programs—like rapid detox—that are specifically meant to create as short of a recovery time as possible. Others—like medication maintenance—are more focused on helping stabilize the patient and will take as long as necessary in order to do so.

Are There Dangers?

There are certain dangers associated with Kadian detox and withdrawal. Many people are unconcerned about these dangers while others are uninformed about them, and this can lead to serious problems. The best way to ensure that none of these dangerous effects occur while you are going through this process is to seek professional care for your recovery. Let us help you find the care you need by calling 800-996-6135(Who Answers?) today.

The potentially serious outcomes of Kadian withdrawal include


The FDA states that an individual can become anorexic during withdrawal from Kadian. Of course, this does not occur in every individual patient, but the signs can sometimes be ignored, especially if you are not begin cared for in a professional medical detox program.


Dehydration is much more common in Kadian withdrawal, especially during stage two of the syndrome when an individual is likely to experience diarrhea and vomiting. Also, many people do not drink enough water during this period, making them even more likely to become dehydrated.


Some people become very depressed when they withdraw from Kadian, especially addicted individuals. They will sometimes feel that they can only be happy or feel good when they are on the drug, which can lead to intense irritability, sadness, and feelings of worthlessness. Some individuals even experience suicidal thoughts, which can be extremely dangerous, and not everyone knows how or even to look for these signs.


Anxiety often goes hand-in-hand with withdrawal-induced depression, and many people will start to get extremely upset or anxious when they cannot obtain more of the drug.

The most dangerous possible outcome, however, is usually relapsing. Many people return to opioid abuse because the symptoms of withdrawal are so oppressive. Sadly, this can lead to overdose, as most do not realize that their tolerances for the drug have diminished during detox. Being in a detox center is one of the only ways to really take the potential for relapse out of the equation during your Kadian detox program.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Withdrawal?

Local Kadian detox centers may offer many different types of treatment options for withdrawal. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, doctors use a special scale to determine how severe one’s opioid withdrawal symptoms are (called the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale or COWS). Treatment options may be tweaked depending on the needs of the individual patient.

In general, though, these are the most commonly used treatment options in Kadian detox centers.


Medications help treat withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings. Some medications are especially beneficial when used as maintenance drugs, which allow them to maintain the individual patient and to help them become stabilized enough to begin recovery. Different medications have different uses and may be more or less beneficial for certain patients depending on their needs.

The most commonly used medications in opioid withdrawal treatment are

  • Clonidine, an antihypertensive that can treat most of the withdrawal symptoms associated with Kadian dependence
  • Methadone, an opioid agonist that can treat withdrawal symptoms or be used as a maintenance drug
  • Buprenorphine, a partial opioid agonist that can treat withdrawal symptoms or be used as a maintenance drug

Behavioral therapies

Behavioral therapies are often part of detox because they help make the transition to rehab smoother. Some patients also need these treatment options because they are experiencing severe co-occurring disorders and/or psychological symptoms associated with withdrawal. According to the NIDA, behavioral therapies are the most commonly used treatment for addiction, which is another reason why they commonly exist as part of detox treatment.

Some of the most commonly used behavioral therapies in Kadian detox programs include

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Contingency management
  • Group therapy
  • 12-step facilitation therapy

Holistic treatments

These treatment options are most commonly found in inpatient Kadian detox centers or luxury detox centers. However, they are sometimes found in outpatient facilities. They provide patients with an option for recovery that treats the whole individual, not just symptoms. Holistic treatments for addiction have been studied extensively over the years, and more and more people are finding them to be helpful and effective as supplemental treatments.

Some of the most commonly used behavioral therapies in opioid withdrawal treatment include

  • Yoga
  • Exercise therapy
  • Hypnosis
  • Journaling

Of course, every treatment facility will provide their own options for recovery, though most will offer the evidence-based practices of medication and behavioral therapy. Not all facilities do, though, and it is important to be aware of the types of local Kadian detox centers that exist near you. We can help you find the best option for your needs—or your loved one’s—when you call 800-996-6135(Who Answers?) .

Medical detox

Medical detox centers provide patients with the evidence-based practices of medication and behavioral therapies. According to the journal of Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, medications are most effective when combined with psychosocial treatments. These programs usually focus on helping patients through withdrawal and treating symptoms as they arrive.

Ultra-rapid detox

Ultra-rapid detox centers put patients under sedation and treat their withdrawal symptoms while they are asleep. These programs usually focus on treating dependence as quickly as possible and are available for opioid and alcohol addicts. Treatment usually takes 24-48 hours. It should be noted, however, that ultra-rapid detox is generally not covered by health insurance.

Rapid detox

Rapid detox treatment is similar to ultra-rapid treatment but generally takes 3 or 4 days.

Medication maintenance detox

This type of detox focuses on helping the patient become stabilized on a medication like methadone or buprenorphine. According to the Substance abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, this program usually takes place in three phases: the induction phase, the stabilization phase, and the maintenance phase.

Non-medical detox

These types of programs do not utilize medication as part of care.

Spiritual detox

These programs offer spiritual guidance in addition to detox treatment.

If one of these options sounds like it may benefit you, it is important to consider it as well as to ask yourself which will allow you to feel the most comfortable in your treatment.

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Inpatient or Outpatient Kadian Detox

Inpatient and outpatient Kadian detox centers both exist and offer generally the same treatment options as those listed above. Still, there are some differences between these two types of programs.

  • Inpatient centers provide 24-hour care. Outpatient centers do not.
  • Inpatient centers offer a controlled environment. Outpatient centers do not.
  • Inpatient centers provide meals and accommodations. Outpatient centers do not.
  • Inpatient centers usually offer more additional treatment options than outpatient centers, especially when it comes to holistic treatments.
  • Outpatient centers provide individuals with more freedom during detox.

Choosing between these two types of Kadian detox centers can be difficult, but you may want to lean toward inpatient care, especially if you have never been in treatment before.

Benefits of Inpatient Kadian Detox

Inpatient centers offer a number of benefits outpatient programs cannot provide, ones that go beyond even those listed above. According to SAMHSA, there are many options for inpatient care, including hospital-based, nonhospital-based, long-term, and short-term. In addition, these programs provide an environment where patients know they will not be able to relapse. As a result, inpatient care is often a much safer choice, especially for those who are afraid of relapsing during their Kadian detox program.

You should always choose the program that best suits your needs as a recovering addict, but most people will gain many benefits from inpatient care. Let us help you discuss your options so you can absolutely choose the safest program for your recovery.

Find a Local Kadian Detox Center

Finding the local Kadian detox centers that will suit your needs doesn’t have to be scary, and you aren’t alone in your search. We are available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help you weigh your options, consider your budget, and find the best choice for your recovery from Kadian dependence.

First, make sure you have any pertinent information gathered before you call. This can include your budget, your insurance card, your medical records, and any specific accommodations you will require from your treatment center. If you are looking for a loved one, make sure you have all of their information. Then, call us at 800-996-6135(Who Answers?) . We will ensure you find the best detox program for a safe recovery.


  1. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2018). Morphine.
  2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2016). Kadian- Highlights of Prescribing Information.
  3. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2007). Kadian (morphine sulfate extended-release) Capsules. 
  4. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2003). Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale.
  5. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction. 
  6. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. (2002). The Neurobiology of Opioid Dependence: Implications for Treatment.
  7. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2006). Study Finds Withdrawal No Easier With Ultrarapid Opiate Detox.
  8. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2016). Buprenorphine.
  9. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2018). Treatments for Substance Use Disorders. 
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