Healing Transitions

3304 Glen Royal Rd Raleigh, NC 27617 | 919-838-9800
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About Healing Transitions

Healing Transitions in Raleigh, North Carolina, offers treatment programs for adult women struggling with substance use issues at no cost to them. Specializing in the treatment of underserved and uninsured individuals, Healing Transitions offers both a non-medical detox program and a long-term recovery program to help those with addiction live a life a more fulfilling life, free of substances.

The non-medical detox program provides services 24 hours a day, seven days a week to offer a safe place for women to detox. Clients are assessed with validated withdrawal tools to determine if they need a higher level of care in a medically managed detox facility or emergency department. When in Healing Transitions, non-medical detox clients are linked to further resources to help them continue their recovery journey.

Following detox, clients can transition into the long-term recovery program which offers several tracks. In the Motivation and Engagement Track, clients attend Recovery Dynamics classes and 12-step recovery meetings in exchange for a bed and a place to store their belongings. This track is designed to allow clients to explore whether they want to commit to the full recovery program.

In the Commit to Recovery Track, additional services are added to the program which includes job readiness and life skills classes taught by Wake Technical Community College. Following these skills classes, clients focus on gaining employment and supported housing to help them transition into the community.

Levels of Care

  • Inpatient

    Inpatient and residential programs provide round-the-clock medical and emotional support as you live at the treatment facility. This level of care may be recommended if you have severe addictions or mental health conditions since it removes outside distractions and allows you to focus solely on therapy.

  • Outpatient

    In outpatient therapy, you’ll attend therapy sessions several times each week while living at home. This is ideal if you have a strong support system and a lower risk of relapse. Outpatient treatment offers flexibility to maintain work, school or family obligations.

Detox Service Setting

  • Inpatient Detox

    Inpatient detox occurs in a dedicated treatment facility. You’ll live there around the clock and receive intensive medical support and supervision to help manage your withdrawal symptoms. It is suitable for individuals with moderate to severe addictions as it ensures a stable detox environment.

  • Outpatient Detox

    Outpatient detox gives you access to medically supervised withdrawal services while still allowing you to live at home. You’ll attend a clinic for treatment and monitoring. This flexible option is suitable for those with mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms who have strong support systems.


  • Alcohol Detox

    Alcohol detox programs offer medical support to help individuals withdraw safely from alcohol. Your care team may use medications to ease your symptoms and provide medical monitoring to address complications.

  • Drug Detox

    Drug detox programs support individuals who are withdrawing from addictive substances like cocaine and heroin. Medical support helps you manage symptoms in a controlled and safe environment so you can achieve initial sobriety.

Payment Options

  • Private Insurance
  • Self Pay




3304 Glen Royal Rd
Raleigh, NC 27617

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Phone icon919-899-4159

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