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How is Drug Induced Psychosis Treated during Stimulant Detox?

According to the US Department of Veteran Affairs, “During high-dose stimulant use, often seen during binge episodes, individuals can experience stimulant induced psychosis characterized by delusions, paranoid thinking and stereotyped compulsive behavior.” Sometimes, this issue can continue into stimulant detox, especially in the beginning stage. Thus, healthcare professionals working in detox centers must be prepared to treat drug induced psychosis along with the other possible symptoms associated with stimulant withdrawal.

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First and Foremost: Safety

It is always very important that anyone experiencing psychotic tendencies be kept from hurting themselves or anyone else at all costs. In some cases, the individual may need to be restrained, but this is usually a last resort. In general, patients must be kept from harming themselves or others before anything else, and there are different treatments that can help with this extremely important aspect of care.

Pharmacological Therapies

Drug Induced Psychosis

Medications are used when necessary to keep the patient safe.

Patients in stimulant detox are often given medication to help minimize their extreme withdrawal symptoms. While there is currently still no medication that is approved to treat stimulant addiction or withdrawal, some patients may be prescribed antidepressants if they become very depressed during their detox, and others may be given anticraving agents to help minimize their cravings for the drug.

If a patient is experiencing severe psychosis, neuroleptics can sometimes control dangerous symptoms, especially those of delirium, severe agitation, aggression, and hyperactivity. These drugs are also called antipsychotics, and they work by “decreasing abnormal excitement in the brain” (National Library of Medicine).

A study from the Cochrane Database Systems Review states that these medications can be very effective, especially in treating amphetamine psychosis. However, they are not always necessary and have not been entirely approved for the purpose of treating this condition. In some instances, it is also appropriate to use benzodiazepines to sedate the individual so they will not lash out at others and restraints will not be necessary.

Talk Therapies

Normally, after several days, the symptoms of stimulant-induced psychosis will begin to subside, especially if a person is in treatment at a detox center and safely being cared for in a controlled environment. However, some individuals still experience lingering effects of this syndrome.

It can be very helpful for a patient to be able to sit down for one-on-one therapy sessions with a counselor during their detox treatment if they are capable of doing so. This can help minimize some of the damage their stimulant abuse has done to their mind, their thoughts, and their impulses and help them to better understand why they must stop taking these drugs. Therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychotherapy can be very beneficial to an individual who needs longer-term treatment for their stimulant psychosis.

Do You Want to Attend Detox Treatment for Stimulant Abuse?

Especially if you believe you may be experiencing psychotic symptoms, it is very important that you receive help as soon as possible from a professional detox program. Call 800-996-6135(Info iconSponsored) today, and we will help you find the right program for you.

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