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New Jersey Detox Centers for Drug & Alcohol Addiction

Substance abuse and addiction has become a serious disorder in the United States. New Jersey is one state that has felt the epidemic especially hard, and people all over the state, in cities like Trenton and Newark, as well as in smaller towns like Merchantville, require help.

We want to assist you in finding New Jersey detox centers for your recovery. Call 609-917-7204(Info iconSponsored) so you or your loved one can get help today.

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Why Choose New Jersey Detox Centers?

Detox centers in New Jersey offer safe, professional treatment to those going through withdrawal from drug and alcohol abuse. Withdrawal can be a dangerous time; depending on the drug of abuse, the symptoms can be severe, sometimes even deadly. And according to the National Library of Medicine, those going through withdrawal are especially at risk of relapse. This is why professional treatment is so necessary.

There are many different types of detox centers, including

  • Medical detox facilities
  • Alcohol detox facilities
  • Drug detox facilities
  • Rapid detox facilities
  • Holistic detox facilities
  • Inpatient detox facilities
  • Outpatient detox facilities

Depending on your needs and your comfort level with certain types of treatment, one of these programs may be the best option for your needs.

New Jersey

Drug & Alcohol Detox Statistics

  • According to the New Jersey Department of Health and Human Services, 4,705 New Jersey residents were admitted to addiction treatment in 2016. This number was an increase from the 4,576 admitted in 2015 (NJDHHS).
  • The number one primary substance of abuse among New Jersey residents who sought treatment in 2016 was heroin at 33,147 or 43 percent of treatment admissions. Number two was alcohol at 27 percent or 20,880.
  • From 2010 to 2014, only 6.6 percent of those individuals aged 12 or older who suffered from alcohol dependence or abuse in New Jersey received treatment (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration).
New Jersey

Treatment Approaches

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Our helpline will ask you some simple questions and help you determine whether a particular detox center is right for you.


Caring treatment specialists will work with you to keep you comfortable during withdrawal to prepare you for recovery.


Therapy and counseling are provided to help you discover the core reasons behind your addiction and how to cope without drugs or alcohol.


Follow-up programs and continued attention to recovery assist you in maintaining a sober lifestyle following the treatment received in detox and rehab.

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How Long is New Jersey Alcohol Detox?

Detox in NJ, especially for alcohol abusers, can take fluctuating amounts of time. Many different aspects can affect an individual’s withdrawal timeline, including

  • The severity of their alcohol addiction
  • Whether or not they are experiencing or are likely to experience delirium tremens
  • Whether or not they have gone through alcohol withdrawal before
  • Whether or not they are also dealing with drug withdrawal

Alcohol withdrawal in general, though, can take a long time to recover from and may require intensive treatment. Most alcoholics will need at least a few weeks to go through their withdrawal treatment in New Jersey detox centers while others may require longer. Call 609-917-7204(Info iconSponsored) today for help finding safe, effective detox facilities in New Jersey.

How Long is New Jersey Drug Detox?

Drug detox in NJ may take even more time than alcohol withdrawal, depending on the drug of abuse. However, many individuals are able to go through withdrawal quickly and continue on to rehab treatment shortly after. The timeline of drug detox depends heavily on a number of factors affecting the individual, including which drug(s) the patient abused.

Some New Jersey detox centers may keep patients in treatment for just a week or two while others will keep them for a few months or longer. The most important thing is that each patient receives the treatment length that is best for their needs.

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Inpatient vs. Outpatient Detox Centers in NJ

Inpatient detox centers offer drug and alcohol withdrawal treatment in a controlled environment. Patients stay at the facility overnight, and often, their friends and family members can visit them once they have become stabilized at the facility. This is usually necessary for those with severe withdrawal symptoms and those could potentially relapse if left alone.

Outpatient detox centers are also available in New Jersey where patients visit the facility daily in order to receive their medications, attend treatment, etc. Afterwards, patients may return home to their families.

Choosing between these two types of programs can be difficult, but it is important to consider your needs as a recovering addict. Is more intensive treatment going to be safer for you, especially during the early stages of recovery? If not, do you believe outpatient care will be a better choice? Make sure you ask yourself these questions, and more, before choosing between the available New Jersey detox centers.

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Call to get assistance finding available detox programs. Call 609-917-7204(Info iconSponsored) to discuss your options and get help.
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