Opana Detox

You don't have to go through Opana withdrawal alone. Detox can help.

Opana is a brand name drug that contains oxymorphone, a strong opioid. It is marked as both a regular and an extended-release medication for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. Though it can be taken safely when prescribed by a doctor, Opana can cause dependence even when taken exactly as prescribed, which can potentially lead to withdrawal if the individual is not treated for this issue with a professional Opana detox.

Sadly, many people also abuse Opana in order to experience an intense high similar to the one other opioid drugs can cause.  Those who participate in this behavior are also likely to become dependent as well as addicted. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, dependence and addiction are even more likely when opioid drugs such as Opana are combined with alcohol or other drugs. Anyone who becomes dependent on Opana, whether they were taking the drug as prescribed or not, should seek treatment in a detox center.

Opana detox is an important part of addiction treatment and recovery, as well as a necessary program for those who experience severe dependency. Call 800-996-6135 today to learn more about the local Opana detox centers near you and to find a program that suits your needs.

Understanding Opana Detox

According to the National Library of Medicine, Opana is a brand name medication that is used for the treatment of moderate and severe pain. The drug is prescribed as a tablet and is meant to be taken every 4 to 6 hours on an empty stomach. The NLM urges that patients not take more of it or take it more often than they are prescribed. Still, even those who take the drug exactly as prescribed will become dependent if they take it regularly for several weeks or longer.

Opana and Opana Extended-Release (ER) are two of the most commonly abused opioid drugs. The drug has a number of street names, including biscuits, blue heaven, Mrs. O, and octagons (or stop signs). The medication is octagonal in shape, which is how it gets many of its names. Unfortunately, those who abuse Opana are highly likely to become addicted as well as dependent.

Opana detox can help treat dependence and allow the individual to go through withdrawal as safely as possible. However, this is not a full treatment for Opana addiction, and individuals who are addicted to this drug will require further help once detox has ended.

Opana Withdrawal Symptoms

Detox treatment will help you overcome opioid dependence. Discover more about Opana withdrawal symptoms and treatment at Detox.com!

Opana withdrawal is similar to most other types of opioid withdrawal. Though it can be difficult to pinpoint when one is experiencing this syndrome at times, the NIDA states it is often likened to severe influenza, which can make it easier to spot. The symptoms include

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Runny nose
  • Body and muscle aches
  • Bone and joint pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • General malaise
  • Insomnia
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

In addition, many individuals going through Opana detox experience anxiety and depression, both of which can be mild, moderate, or severe depending on the individual and their unique withdrawal syndrome. This particular type of withdrawal isn’t usually dangerous if it is allowed to unfold in a treatment center, but without proper care, problems can arise.

We want to help you find the best Opana detox program for your safe recovery. Just call 800-996-6135 today to speak with a treatment advisor, and you can learn more about your options.

Cause of Opana Withdrawal

Opana withdrawal occurs when a person who has become dependent on this drug suddenly stops taking it. This can happen if

  • The individual’s prescription runs out
  • The individual tries to taper off their dosage amount
  • The individual is no longer able to obtain more of the drug

It is easy to see how this can happen both to someone who has been taking the drug as prescribed and to someone who has been abusing it. However, it is always necessary for the individual to seek proper treatment, no matter why they are experiencing withdrawal.

The other cause of Opana withdrawal can occur when an expectant mother is taking the drug and the baby is born in a withdrawal state called neonatal abstinence syndrome. This is extremely dangerous for newborns and requires hospitalization immediately. According to the NLM, symptoms include high-pitched, loud crying, sweating, and gastrointestinal problems.

How Long Will Opana Detox Take?

Opana detox usually takes about a week or two if it is allowed to run its course. Many treatment centers provide patients with care during this time and treat the symptoms as they arise. This is called medical detox. In most cases, there are three stages to opioid withdrawal in a medical detox center.

Stage One

This stage encompasses the flu-like symptoms and usually starts when the individual would have taken their next dose of Opana. The symptoms of pain and discomfort will also begin during this stage. Stage one generally lasts 2-4 days.

Stage Two

This stage usually sees lingering symptoms from stage one, as well as diarrhea and vomiting. Most individuals experience abdominal cramps at this stage as well. You can expect these symptoms for about 3-5 days.

Stage Three

The symptoms will begin to lessen at this point, but this does NOT mean withdrawal has ended. Patients must be given time to let their symptoms subside before they leave treatment. This stage lasts for 1-5 days.

Most medical Opana detox centers will keep patients for at least 30 days, even though the symptoms usually subside in 2 weeks or so. This is because it allows for the patient to become stabilized and ready to move on to the next phase of their treatment, which, in most cases, is rehab. If you believe medical detox is the right fit for your recovery, call 800-996-6135 and let us help you choose the best program for your needs.

However, there are other types of Opana detox programs that may last more or less time depending on the treatments they offer. These may include

Are There Dangers?

Unfortunately, there are dangers associated with Opana dependence and withdrawal, especially for those who attempt to go through detox at home. According to the NLM, people are not advised to go through opioid withdrawal on their own, as they often do not realize how severe their symptoms will be. Some of the potential dangerous of opioid withdrawal are listed below.

Severe symptoms

Some people who don’t realize how intense their symptoms will be experience them and want to return to their Opana abuse. For example, the pain that occurs during withdrawal is so intense, most people will do anything to make it stop, including returning to the drug of abuse.

Relapse is the most dangerous potential side effect of Opana withdrawal, as it can lead to overdose. Many people do not realize their tolerances will be lower once they withdraw. This can lead to a deadly overdose and often does.


Anorexia is a possible outcome of this syndrome. Some people stop eating entirely and become malnourished during opioid withdrawal, which can lead to this severe side effect.


The vomiting, diarrhea, and intense sweating that occurs during opioid withdrawal can potentially lead to dehydration, especially if the patient is alone and does not stay hydrated.


Sometimes, the depressive symptoms of withdrawal can be so intense that people experience suicidal thoughts. This can be serious if the individual is not being treated in a safe, controlled environment.

Avoiding any of these potential outcomes is much easier when you seek an Opana detox program that suits your needs. We are here 24/7 to help you find a detox facility that will offer the care and support you require for a safe recovery; just call 800-996-6135 now.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Withdrawal?

In an Opana detox center, the treatment options often fall under one of two categories: therapy and medications. Medications are often necessary because they can help minimize cravings and reduce the severity of one’s withdrawal symptoms. The drugs most often used to perform these functions are

  • Methadone: an opioid agonist
  • Buprenorphine: a partial opioid agonist
  • Clonidine: an antihypertensive agent (Note: Clonidine cannot minimize cravings)

Methadone and buprenorphine can be used in medical detox but may also be used to stabilize the patient for a long period of time, rather than having them go through medically assisted withdrawal. This is often a beneficial choice for those who are coping with long-term abuse of and addiction to Opana, and it is called medication-assisted treatment. It may start in detox, continue through rehab, and go on indefinitely or end with medically assisted withdrawal sometime later.

Other drugs may also be used during Opana detox treatment to treat comorbid disorders, according to the NIDA. This can be especially helpful to those who are struggling with intense anxiety and/or depression that are both caused by withdrawal and merely already existing in the patient and likely to worsen during withdrawal.

The behavioral therapies used during opioid detox are usually meant to help patients become more comfortable with the idea of rehab or addiction treatment. These can also be useful for treating comorbid disorders and/or helping patients learn better ways to cope with their psychological withdrawal symptoms. The most commonly used therapies during Opana withdrawal include

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • 12-step facilitation therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Contingency management

In addition, some Opana detox programs also offer a number of other treatment options that are not necessary evidence-based but can be helpful in one’s recovery. Normally, these are called holistic treatments, and some of the most popular options for opioid withdrawal include

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Massage therapy
  • Pet therapy
  • Journaling
  • Hypnosis

There are also many different type of programs that treat Opana dependence, including

  • Ultra-rapid detox centers: programs that put the patient to sleep while withdrawal is induced, leading to a fast withdrawal period of about 24-48 hours
  • Rapid detox centers: programs that do the same as ultra-rapid detox centers but in 3 or 4 days
  • Medical detox centers: programs that allow patients to run the course of detox safely and with the help of medications and behavioral therapies
  • Medication-assisted detox centers: programs that stabilize the patient on a medication like methadone instead of letting them go through withdrawal
  • Natural detox centers: programs that do not provide medication as part of treatment
  • Spiritual detox centers: programs that put the patient’s spiritual recovery on par with their physical recovery

If you believe one of these options might suit you, call 800-996-6135 to learn more. It is necessary that each and every patient is able to receive the care that best suits their recovery so let us help you find the best option for your needs.

Contact Detox.com now to find the best Opana detox program for your recovery!

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Inpatient or Outpatient Opana Detox

Inpatient and outpatient detox centers are the two most common types of detox programs; most facilities are either one or the other. According to the NIDA, detox and rehab facilities are becoming more and more nuanced in the care they provide, but most programs can be placed in one of these broad categories.

The differences between inpatient and outpatient centers mostly come down to the fact that inpatient facilities offer 24-hour care in a controlled environment. Though outpatient centers offer more freedom to their patients, inpatient centers provide a range of treatment options and amenities you won’t normally see as part of an outpatient program.

Different individuals require different types of care, as no two recovering people are likely to have the exact same needs. However, inpatient care is often a better choice for Opana detox.

Benefits of Inpatient Opana Detox

There are a number of benefits associated with inpatient care one should consider when seeking Opana dependency treatment. These include

  • Accommodations and amenities such as beds, meals, and planned activities
  • Better care for those with comorbid disorders
  • Generally more treatment options whether evidence-based or holistic
  • Safe, controlled treatment
  • 24-hour surveillance from a trained medical staff
  • A social support system for those who require it
  • More options for aftercare, as well as help transitioning from detox to rehab

In addition, though many inpatient centers are more expensive because they provide more treatment options, free or low-cost facilities are more likely to offer nonhospital residential care (a type of inpatient treatment) than private and for-profit programs.

Finding the type of care that suits you is paramount, and we are happy to help you do so. However, if you are

  • Going through Opana detox for the first time
  • Seeking help because you tried to go through detox before at home and relapsed
  • Nervous about relapsing back to the drug
  • Lacking a support system of friends and family members at home
  • Coping with a comorbid mental disorder
  • Coping with more than one substance use disorder or addiction
  • Living in a place that is not conducive to recovery
  • Living in a place where Opana and/or other dangerous substances are easily obtained
  • Living in a place where those close to you do not support your recovery from this drug of abuse

detoxing in an inpatient center is probably the best, safest choice for your needs.

Find a Local Opana Detox Center

Local Opana detox centers are easy to find when you have help. Remember, you are not alone in your search for treatment, and we will do everything we can to ensure that you find the best option for your safe withdrawal. If you are ready to call, make sure you gather any necessary information, such as

  • Your or your loved one’s insurance information
  • Your or your loved one’s medical history and substance abuse history information
  • A list of any accommodations you or your loved one may require for treatment, including language requirements, disability requirements, additional treatment requirements, and dietary requirements

Once you have all of this information ready, please call 800-996-6135 . Let us know for whom you are calling (for yourself or a loved one) and specify what type of Opana detox center you want to find for the dependent individual. We will need your insurance information so we can find treatment options that will accept your plan. After we discuss these variables, we will match you with treatment centers that will best suit your or your loved one’s recovery.

Opana detox can be uncomfortable, painful, and even dangerous, which is why we urge dependent individuals to seek safe treatment in a detox facility. Let us help you find the best option for your recovery so you can put an end to your Opana abuse and start your recovery on the right foot.


  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2014). America’s Addiction to Opioids: Heroin and Prescription Drug Abuse.
  2. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2018). Oxymorphone.
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Commonly Abused Drugs Charts- Prescription Opioids.
  4. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2003). Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale.
  5. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. 
  6. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2016). Opiate and Opioid Withdrawal.
  7. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction.
  8. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (3rd Edition)- Types of Treatment Programs.
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