Opiates Detox

Opiates are substances that either come directly from the poppy plant or are synthetically created to act similarly to these substances. In most cases, an opiate is specifically a drug that is natural and can be found in the poppy plant itself. Some of these drugs are still used for medical reasons, most often to treat pain. Doctors often try to help their patients avoid becoming dependent on these drugs, although when one takes them often over a long period of time, opiates can produce dependence.

how opiates detox will help end your dependence on painkillers

Opiates detox is the treatment option necessary for dependence on these drugs. Many people who require detox have been abusing opiates and have become dependent this way. Though opiates detox centers are beneficial options for the first part of addiction treatment, these programs alone cannot treat all the issues associated with addiction, and patients must seek rehab afterward.

Ready to put an end to your opiate dependence and start your recovery journey? Call 800-996-6135 today to learn about available options.

Understanding Opiates Detox

According to the Oregon State Government, opiates are chemicals that are extracted from the poppy plant. These chemicals are effective for treating pain, although they can sometimes be extremely potent. Most of the opioid-based drugs used to treat pain are semi-synthetic or completely synthetic, but opiates are one hundred percent natural. They include

Doctors no longer currently prescribe opium to treat pain, but they do prescribe morphine and codeine. Depending on an individual’s situation, one of these drugs may be a helpful treatment option, especially if the individual is experiencing intense, short-term pain caused by surgery or an accident (morphine) or is in need of moderate pain relief or a strong cough suppressant (codeine).

All three of these drugs can cause dependence when taken often and in large doses for a prolonged period of time (usually a few weeks). People who take these drugs both as prescribed and in order to abuse them can become dependent. Opiates dependence is a serious issue and should not be ignored. It must be treated by medical professionals in an opiates detox program.

If you are still unsure if you will require treatment for this issue, ask yourself

  • Have I been abusing opiates?
  • Have I been taking opiates for a long period of time regularly?
  • Have I ever experienced any symptoms when I suddenly stopped taking opiates?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will require help in a professional detox center.

Opiates Withdrawal Symptoms

Detox treatment can help you overcome opiates withdrawal symptoms!

When a person who is dependent on opiates suddenly stops taking these drugs, they will often experience severe physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms that are not only uncomfortable but also dangerous. According to the National Library of Medicine, withdrawal can occur any time after long-term use stops or is suddenly cut back.

The symptoms of opiates withdrawal include

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Muscle pain
  • Bone pain
  • Joint pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Flu like symptoms

Some people who have been taking these drugs as prescribed may not even realize they are going through withdrawal and will believe they actually have the flu. Flu medications won’t work on this syndrome, however, and the only thing that will make the symptoms stop is to take more of the drug. Those who are addicted often know this and will relapse during detox if they do not receive the proper treatment.

This is why opiate withdrawal in a safe, reliable detox center is essential for an effective recovery. Call 800-996-6135 today to learn more about your options and to find a program that suits your needs.

Cause of Opiates Withdrawal

Opiates withdrawal occurs because the brain and body become dependent on these drugs after the individual takes them for a long time. This can occur when someone is taking these drugs exactly as prescribed as well as when someone takes them

  • Without a prescription
  • In larger doses than prescribed
  • More often than prescribed
  • In a different way than prescribed

Opium can also cause dependence, as it is an opiate drug, but it is not normally prescribed to treat pain in today’s society. Sadly, some individuals still do seek it out for its ability to cause an intense high. In addition, it can also cause dependence extremely quickly and create a severe addiction syndrome when abused.

There is one other type of opiates withdrawal syndrome, and this occurs when a pregnant individual takes these drugs while pregnant. The child, when born, will suddenly withdraw, causing life-threatening symptoms that can become much more severe in newborns than in grown adults. This is called neonatal abstinence syndrome, and as stated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more and more babies are being born in the United States with this problem.

Without the proper treatment, those who are suffering from opiates withdrawal are not likely to get through the syndrome without relapse. The best way to treat this issue is in a professional detox program.

How Long Will Opiates Detox Take?

Detox from opiates can take different amounts of time depending on the type of treatment used, the severity of the dependence, and the drug the individual was abusing. However, when allowed to run its course, the withdrawal syndrome itself takes about a week or two in most cases.

The syndrome is usually broken down into three stages: the early stage, the intermediate stage, and the late stage. During the early stage, patients normally experience the most intense symptoms, which will then usually linger into the intermediate stage, as new symptoms also begin. The late stage is usually less intense and many individuals mistakenly believe they are no longer going through withdrawal. This is why it is so important for patients to stay in treatment for their entire opiates withdrawal.

The Early Stage

  • Muscle, bone, and joint pain
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Lasts for 2-3 days

The Intermediate Stage

  • Continued symptoms from the early stage
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Lasts for 3-5 days

The Late Stage

  • Fading symptoms
  • Still not the end of withdrawal
  • Lasts for 1-4 days

In addition, some opiates will cause immediate and severe withdrawal symptoms that last a shorter period of time while others will cause less intense but longer lasting symptoms. It is usually fair to estimate that one’s withdrawal symptoms are likely to begin when the individual would have next dosed.

According to the NIDA, staying for the full duration of treatment creates higher success rates in recovery. If you need help determining which opiate detox program best suits your recovery, call 800-996-6135 today.

Are There Dangers?

There are a number of dangers associated with an opiate drug detox, and unfortunately, many people do not understand this. Instead of going to a professional treatment center, they attempt to go through detox at home. Doing this, however, even with a detox kit, can be extremely risky.

Opiates withdrawal can cause pain that is so intense, many individuals relapse as a result.

  • Most people who go through this syndrome for the first time don’t realize how intense their symptoms will be, and many who even have gone through it before will not be prepared for the severity of their next withdrawal syndrome.
  • Relapsing during withdrawal or after detox is especially dangerous because one’s tolerance for the drug will diminish during withdrawal. If the individual uses the same amount of the drug as they did before, they could potentially overdose.

Opiates withdrawal can cause severe depression and anxiety, symptoms that can also worsen an already existing mental disorder.

  • People who abuse drugs are twice as likely as the general population to suffer from a mental disorder (NIDA).
  • Coping with physical withdrawal symptoms can be difficult, but psychological symptoms can often be traumatic.
  • Some people even act out in ways they wouldn’t normally, sometimes even acting on suicidal thoughts.

Dehydration is another serious potential side effect of this syndrome.

  • People who go through opiates detox at home can become extremely dehydrated because of the vomiting, diarrhea, and sweating.
  • Many people don’t drink as much water as they should and don’t know how to monitor the signs of dehydration like a medical professional does.

As such, the safest way to make sure your loved one or that you can maneuver withdrawal from opiates is to seek treatment in a professional detox center. Without this type of care, you could fall victim to one of these serious issues. Make sure you find a program that suits your needs today by calling 800-996-6135 .

What Treatment Options Are Available for Withdrawal?

Fortunately, there are many treatment options available for opiates detox. Treatment centers normally provide a variety of options so that each individual patient can recover as safely as possible as well as in the best way for their current needs.

Medications are one of the most often-utilized treatment options in opiates detox programs. These treatments can help ensure that patients will experience milder symptoms as well as stabilize individuals during this difficult process.

  • Methadone is an effective medication for opiate drug detox, especially for those with severe dependencies. Many individuals can safely take this medication during opiates detox treatment, including those who are pregnant (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration).
  • Buprenorphine is a partial opioid medication that is used to treat those with less severe dependencies. It is normally paired with naloxone to protect patients further against potential abuse.
  • Clonidine is often used to treat patients who are dependent but not addicted to opiates. This drug is not an opioid-based substance itself so it cannot minimize cravings.

Although medications are effective, the Journal of Addiction Science & Clinical Practice emphasizes the importance of receiving psychosocial treatment at the same time.

Behavioral therapies are also used in detox treatment, especially because they can help prepare individuals for rehab. They can also treat comorbid disorders and help patients learn new coping skills. During detox, certain behavioral therapies may be used such as

  • Family or couples counseling
  • Group therapy
  • 12-step facilitation therapy
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Contingency management

In addition to the types of treatment that are generally used for opiates detox, there are also different types of detox programs to consider. Some may be more beneficial to your specific needs than others so make sure you consider what you—or your loved one, if they will be the patient—will require for the safest, most effective treatment experience.

  • Inpatient detox offers 24-hour care in a controlled environment.
  • Outpatient detox offers daily or scheduled care, and the patient can leave afterward.
  • Rapid detox provides a very fast-paced detox schedule that occurs when the patient is put to sleep and withdrawal is induced. It usually lasts a few days.
  • Medical detox provides medications and behavioral therapies to treat withdrawal symptoms as they occur and usually lasts about a month.
  • Medication-assisted detox provides medication to stabilize the patient and may last somewhere between 90 days and a year.

There are also other types of opiates detox centers—holistic programs, spiritual programs, non-medical programs—and it is important to consider how each and every one might affect your needs. This process can be overwhelming. Get answers by calling 800-996-6135 today.

Inpatient or Outpatient Opiates Detox

Inpatient centers and outpatient centers often offer different options as a part of opiate drug detox, but there are many local opiates detox centers that offer one type of care or the other.

  • Inpatient centers provide 24-hour care and usually offer more amenities than outpatient centers. They are often more expensive, but low-cost and even free inpatient centers are available.
  • Outpatient centers provide patients with more freedom to work, see their families, and generally live their lives around treatment. However, as stated by the NIDA, some facilities provide little more than drug education in the way of treatment.

Finding the right program for you is paramount to a successful recovery. Still, in many cases, an inpatient opiates detox program is usually the best choice.

Contact Detox.com now to find inpatient and outpatient opiate detox centers near you!

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Benefits of Inpatient Opiates Detox

Here are some of the benefits of choosing inpatient care for your opiates detox center.

  • Inpatient centers are better for those with comorbid mental disorders and/or a lack of social support at home (Psychiatric Quarterly).
  • Inpatient centers provide 24-hour care with supervision, which means relapse cannot occur.
  • Inpatient detox is usually more successful for those who have never gone through detox before.
  • Inpatient detox allows patients to get time away from their daily lives, including the potential issues that could have helped lead to their substance abuse.
  • Inpatient detox offers more resources, including more amenities, more treatment options, and usually more choices for aftercare.

Unless you have a strong reason to oppose inpatient care, it is likely to be the best choice for your opiates detox.

Find a Local Opiates Detox Center

Finding local opiates detox centers is our job. We want to help recovering individuals and even just those who have become dependent as a result of taking a medication exactly as prescribed go through opiates withdrawal as safely and effectively as possible. Here’s what you need to do if you would like our help finding a safe, effective opiates detox center.

  • Gather any necessary information, including your insurance information, medical history, etc.
  • Make sure you have considered your options for opiates withdrawal treatment.
  • Call 800-996-6135 and discuss your needs for treatment, including the severity of your condition, your budget, and anything else that may affect your treatment choice.
  • Let us search for the best detox centers for your safe recovery.

We are here to make looking for local opiates detox centers an easier and safer process. Don’t hesitate to call. We are always available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


  1. Oregon State Government- Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission. (n.d.). “Opiates” or “Opioids”- What’s the Difference?
  2. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2016). Opiate and Opioid Withdrawal. 
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2015). Dramatic Increases in Maternal Opioid Use and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. 
  4. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (3rd Edition). 
  5. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Comorbidity: Substance Use Disorders and Other Mental Illnesses. 
  6. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2015). Methadone.
  7. Journal of Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. (2002). The Neurobiology of Opioid Dependence: Implications for Treatment.
  8. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (3rd Edition). 
  9. The Psychiatric Quarterly. (1993). Inpatient vs Outpatient Treatment for Substance Dependence Revisited. 
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