Oxy IR Detox

If you're dependent on Oxy IR, you need to seek treatment.

Oxy IR is a brand of oxycodone medication that is used to treat moderate to severe pain. This drug can be very helpful to a number of individuals, and as long as it is taken safely under the care of a doctor, it should not cause addiction or other dangerous issues. However, if it is taken regularly for a prolonged period of time (usually about three weeks or longer), it will cause dependence. When this occurs, Oxy IR detox treatment should be considered.

People also abuse drugs like Oxy IR because they can cause a serious high as well as relaxation and euphoria. Sadly, when an individual begins to do this, the drug causes changes to the way the brain works. Over time, the individual can become dependent as well as addicted.

Oxy IR detox is the treatment option necessary for individuals who become dependent on this drug, no matter how it happens. Still, one must remember that detox is only the first part of addiction treatment, and this type of care must be followed by rehab in the case of those who are addicted to the drug.

We want to help you find safe and affordable local Oxy IR detox centers. We are available to answer your questions about Oxy IR withdrawal, detox, addiction, and recovery. Call 800-996-6135 now.

Understanding Oxy IR Detox

Oxy IR, according to the National Library of Medicine, is a brand name drug that is used to treat pain. This medication includes oxycodone, one of the most commonly prescribed—and commonly abused—opioids in circulation today. Oxycodone itself is no longer being marketed under this brand name, although it may still be prescribed under its generic name.

This medication is a tablet meant to be taken only by mouth. Unfortunately, many people who abuse the drug crush and snort it because this brings on the effects faster than simply ingesting it. Some even inject it, which is doubly dangerous, especially when using unclean needles. However, it is important to understand the difference between addiction and dependence when it comes to opioids.

  • ANYONE can become dependent on an opioid if they take it long enough.
  • This means those taking Oxy IR as prescribed can still become dependent.
  • Anyone who becomes addicted to the drug will likely become dependent as well.

As such, dependency requires treatment, and the best, safest treatment occurs in an Oxy IR detox center. Patients will be able to receive medications, behavioral therapies, and other treatment options under the supervision of a trained medical staff.

Oxy IR Withdrawal Symptoms

The withdrawal symptoms associated with Oxy IR are common among opioid withdrawal syndromes. The symptoms include

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Joint pain
  • Bone pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Sweating
  • Runny nose
  • Chills
  • Hot flashes
  • Dilated pupils

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, some people try to use the drug to prevent withdrawal symptoms when they are no longer able to obtain heroin, but Oxy IR does have a withdrawal syndrome of its own that can be uncomfortable and, in some cases, even dangerous.

Many people believe they can navigate these symptoms easily without having to seek help in a professional Oxy IR detox program, but this is untrue. Without professional care, these symptoms can become unbearable and/or serious side effects may arise. It is always safer to seek treatment in an Oxy IR detox center.

Call 800-996-6135 today to learn more about your options or to find detox facilities near you.

Cause of Oxy IR Withdrawal

Oxy IR withdrawal occurs when a person who is dependent on this drug is no longer able to obtain more of it or starts trying to taper off their dosage too quickly. The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that the thalamus and the brain stem are the parts of the brain that are responsible for causing dependence.

These changes can occur even if the individual wasn’t abusing the drug. However, anyone who

  • Takes Oxy IR more often than prescribed
  • Takes it in a different way than prescribed
  • Takes it in larger doses than prescribed
  • Takes it without a prescription

is also in danger of experiencing withdrawal if they participate in this behavior for a long prolonged period of time.

The body and brain have to recover when a person who has been dependent on Oxy IR suddenly does not receive the same amount they once did. Part of this process is the experience of withdrawal symptoms.

There is another cause of opioid withdrawal, and this occurs when an individual who is pregnant is dependent on this drug. The baby will also be dependent but will suddenly go into withdrawal as soon as it is born. It will experience severe pain and will exhibit intense withdrawal symptoms. It is absolutely necessary that any newborn going through Oxy IR withdrawal (also known as neonatal abstinence syndrome) be admitted to the hospital immediately.

How Long Will Oxy IR Detox Take?

Oxy IR detox usually takes about a week or two when it is allowed to occur naturally. It can still occur in this amount of time if treated with medications, a process known as medical detox. In medical detox, there are three phases of Oxy IR withdrawal.

The first phase usually lasts for two to four days.

Patients may experience their most intense symptoms during this time. Muscle and joint pain, as well as the symptoms that feel similar to the flu, occur here. This can be the hardest time for withdrawing individuals. Usually, withdrawal begins at the same time when the patient would have taken their next dose of the drug, around 4 to 6 hours after the last dose for Oxy IR dependent individuals.

The second phase usually lasts from three to five days.

This often entails an intense experience of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In addition, the early withdrawal symptoms will often linger during this phase.

The third phase can last anywhere from one day to five days.

It usually involves less intense symptoms, but this does not mean the syndrome itself is over. Patients MUST stay in treatment for their entire program. This is absolutely necessary, as a detox program that is cut short could potentially lead to relapse. According to Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, patients who complete detox treatment have a lower risk of relapse than those who drop out.

Different treatment programs last different amounts of time. Medical detox, for example, usually lasts about 30 days in order to prepare the patient for rehab. Other Oxy IR detox programs may provide different treatment lengths, including

If you are still unsure of which type of care will best suit your needs, remember to call 800-996-6135 . We are always available to make sure your recovery is as safe and tailored to your individual needs as possible.

Are There Dangers?

Unfortunately, many people are actually unaware of the dangers associated with Oxy IR detox and opioid detox in general. Detox kits promise to make it easy to withdraw at home, but this is actually not advisable. As stated by the Center for Substance Abuse Research, oxycodone withdrawal can be rather severe, even when uncomplicated.

When complicated, however, withdrawal can cause issues such as

  • Anorexia
  • Malnutrition
  • Severe depression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Severe anxiety
  • Dehydration

In addition, relapse is always a possible outcome when one attempts to withdraw at home, especially in the case of Oxy IR addiction. Those who do not have the proper treatment may experience symptoms that are extremely intense, and they will know the only way to stop these symptoms is to return to their drug abuse. However, people are more likely to overdose during this time, as most will experience diminished tolerance during or just after withdrawal but abuse the same amount of the drug anyway.

As such, the only safe way to recover from opioid dependence is to do so under the care of medical professionals in an Oxy IR detox program. Doctors and nurses in these programs can check patients for issues like dehydration or malnutrition, and behavioral specialists can help treat anxiety and depression. Also, those who choose to stay in an inpatient facility will be able to avoid any potential for relapse.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Withdrawal?

Treatment for Oxy IR withdrawal should take place in a detox center. There are many different types of Oxy IR detox facilities, but most of these provide the general, evidence-based treatment options associated with opioid withdrawal. We can help you find the best program for your safe recovery when you call 800-996-6135 .

The main types of opioid detox centers are

  • Medical detox centers
  • Medication-assisted detox centers (or maintenance detox centers)
  • Detox and rehab centers (combining both types of care in one program)

There are also a number of treatment programs for detox that provide vastly different options, including ultra-rapid and rapid detox centers, natural detox centers (or programs that do not provide medication), spiritual detox centers, and others. Choosing one of these types of programs could be helpful to you, especially if it could accommodate your individual needs better than any other type of program (NIDA). However, most Oxy IR-dependent people choose medical detox.

The common treatment options associated with opioid detox include medications and behavioral therapies.


Medications can be used to minimize withdrawal symptoms as well as to curb cravings. The commonly used medications for opioid detox include

  • Methadone
  • Buprenorphine
  • Clonidine

According to the NLM, people who have experienced withdrawal more than once should be treated with methadone or buprenorphine while those who are grappling with this issue as a result of an opioid prescription may be treated with clonidine.

Methadone and buprenorphine can both be used to ease patients through withdrawal or to treat patients through medication maintenance. Certain medications, such as SSRIs, may also be used in detox to treat comorbid disorders associated with withdrawal or addiction.

Behavioral therapies

Behavioral therapies are beneficial for the treatment of addiction, but many Oxy IR detox programs start these treatments during withdrawal. These treatment options can often help patients cope with their symptoms. In addition, behavioral therapies can treat comorbid disorders and help patients learn better life skills for the future.

Behavioral therapies are the most commonly utilized treatments for addiction so they often show up during withdrawal treatment as well (NIDA). Commonly used behavioral therapies for opioid withdrawal include

Going through withdrawal is difficult, and as such, requires these evidence-based treatments so patients can stay safe. However, holistic treatment options can also be helpful during withdrawal. These can include practices like yoga or meditation as well as amenities like massage therapy. Depending on your needs, you may want to choose a detox center that offers holistic care in addition to evidence-based treatments.

We are here to help you choose an Oxy IR detox center. Call 800-996-6135 today to get help.

Inpatient or Outpatient Oxy IR Detox

If you are ready to choose an Oxy IR detox program, remember first that you should consider whether you will require inpatient or outpatient care.

Inpatient detox…

  • Is 24-hours
  • Offers a controlled environment
  • Usually provides patients with more amenities
  • Asks patients to leave certain items behind (such as cell phones, laptops, etc.)
  • Focuses on intensive withdrawal treatment

Outpatient detox…

  • Is not 24-hours
  • Offers a somewhat controlled environment
  • May provide little to no treatment options or many options, depending on the facility
  • Provides patients with more freedom
  • Is effective for individuals with less intense symptoms

Choosing between these programs can be difficult, especially if you are unsure if you require inpatient care. Although outpatient care, according to Health Services Research, is the most cost-effective option, most people do need inpatient treatment in order to safely navigate the potential pitfalls of withdrawal.

Contact Detox.com now to find inpatient and outpatient Oxy IR detox centers near you!

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Benefits of Inpatient Oxy IR Detox

In general, there is a consensus that addiction treatment comprised of both inpatient and outpatient care is the best option for a safe recovery (American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse). Those who are just beginning treatment, though, will often need to start in inpatient care, which usually means during detox. In addition, those who have experienced a serious dependency through taking the drug as prescribed might also benefit from this option.

Inpatient care usually offers more amenities, more accommodations, and more treatment options than most outpatient centers. If you are unsure of which type of care you need, it is best to err on the side of caution and choose inpatient Oxy IR detox treatment.

Find a Local Oxy IR Detox Center

We want to provide you with assistance in finding the best, safest Oxy IR detox program for your needs. As such, we have a database of local Oxy IR detox centers for your perusal, or you can call 800-996-6135 any time.

  • When you call, please be sure to have your medical records and/or substance abuse history ready for any potential questions about your previous treatments for addiction.
  • You should also have your insurance information ready. We try to match potential patients with detox centers that will accept their insurance as much as possible.
  • We may ask you a few questions about your needs for treatment, which is why you should consider whether or not inpatient care might be right for you and if you will require any special accommodations for your safe withdrawal from Oxy IR.
  • Finally, we will match you with the local detox facilities that are most likely to suit your needs. You can ask us any questions about recovery and detox at this time as well.

Don’t go it alone. We are always available to help you seek out detox centers near you as well as to provide you with the information you need to get through Oxy IR detox as safely as possible.


  1. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2018). Oxycodone.
  2. Drug Enforcement Administration. (2014). Oxycodone (Trade Names: Tylox®, Percodan®, OxyContin®).
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2007). The Neurobiology of Drug Addiction- 10: Addiction vs Dependence. 
  4. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. (2007). Pharmacologic Treatments for Opioid Dependence: Detoxification and Maintenance Options.
  5. Center for Substance Abuse Research. (2013). Oxycodone.
  6. Health Services Research. (2003). Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness of Four Treatment Modalities for Substance Disorders: A Propensity Score Analysis. 
  7. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. (1981). Inpatient vs Outpatient Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Abusers. 
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