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Stadol Detox

Stadol is the brand name for a nasal spray medication that contains butorphanol, an opioid. It is sometimes prescribed to treat pain, depending on the individual and their needs. As long as it is taken safely under a doctor’s care, it won’t cause any serious, long-term problems, although if an individual takes it regularly for more than a few weeks, they will likely become dependent on it. If a dependence develops, Stadol detox treatment may be necessary.

Dependence on opioids can be treated in a detox center safely and effectively. However, many people also abuse drugs like Stadol in order to experience a strong high that opioids can cause. If this occurs, dependence will usually follow, as well as tolerance and addiction. Treatment in a detox center will be the first part of recovery, but the individual will require care in a rehab program afterward.

If you think someone you love has been abusing Stadol and needs help, call 800-996-6135(Info iconSponsored) today. Also, if you have been misusing this drug, or if you are merely dependent on it, you will need help as well. Our job is to match you with the safest, most effective Stadol detox facilities for your recovery, and we are available 24 hours a day in order to make that happen.

Understanding Stadol Detox

Stadol Detox

Detox can help you stop abusing Stadol for good!

Stadol is often used to treat moderate to severe pain, according to the National Library of Medicine. Patients are advised not to use the spray more than every 3 to 4 hours, but even this regular use could potentially lead to dependence. No one wants to experience with this issue, and in order to avoid it, many doctors try to help patients understand the dangers of opioid dependence. Still, it often occurs with long-term opioid prescriptions and must be treated when it does.

Stadol is often abused, which can lead to dependence as well. Though the drug is Schedule IV and does not have as high of an abuse potential as many other opioid substances, it can still be misused. Most people who abuse this drug are already addicted to opioids. However, Stadol can cause its own dependency syndrome and addiction syndrome when abused because it can create the same effects experienced when other opioids are misused.

Stadol detox is necessary when a person becomes dependent on the drug. It utilizes different treatment methods to ensure that the patient can go through withdrawal safely or at least become stabilized. Often, it is the first step in addiction treatment, although it certainly should not be the last. When an individual who is dependent on this drug suddenly stops taking it, they can experience intense Stadol withdrawal symptoms that can be extremely uncomfortable.

Stadol Withdrawal Symptoms

The symptoms of this withdrawal syndrome are similar to those associated with other opioids. Still, there are a few differences, especially because Stadol is more likely to cause hallucinations during withdrawal than other opioid drugs. The most common symptoms associated with this syndrome are

  • Agitation
  • Nervousness
  • Shakiness
  • Diarrhea
  • Chills
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of coordination
  • Confusion
  • Hallucinations

Many people experience something similar to a bad case of the flu, which is why Stadol withdrawal can be confusing to people who don’t know what it is. Regular flu medicines will not be able to treat it, and serious problems can occur if it is not treated properly. In addition, most people experience intense pain as a result of this syndrome, similarly to other opioid withdrawal syndromes.

Mood changes are also common, as stated by DailyMed, and unfortunately, many people become very depressed as a result of Stadol detox. This can be treated properly in a detox center as well, but those who do not seek help can experience dangerous side effects.

Call 800-996-6135(Info iconSponsored) now if you think you or someone you love is experiencing these effects or likely to experience them. We want to help you get into a Stadol detox program as quickly and as safely as possible.

Cause of Stadol Withdrawal

Stadol withdrawal occurs because a person becomes dependent on this drug after taking it regularly for a long period of time. Once they do, if they stop taking the drug or try to wean themselves off of it too quickly, it can lead to these symptoms occurring. The body needs time to recover from Stadol dependence, and this is one of the side effects.

As stated previously, this issue can occur whether an individual was abusing the drug or not. Though most people who become addicted to an opioid will also be dependent on it, those who take it regularly may become dependent without being addicted. Either way, treatment in local Stadol detox centers is the safest option for care.

There is one more way a person could experience Stadol withdrawal, and this is if a baby is born to a mother who was dependent on Stadol. The baby will also be dependent but will experience withdrawal as soon as it is born. This is called neonatal abstinence syndrome, and according to the medical journal Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, the child can experience severe and even life threatening symptoms such as

  • Excessive crying
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Increased muscle tone
  • Tremors
  • Convulsions
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Gastrointestinal problems

Any child born with these symptoms must be treated in a hospital immediately. Any adult who is struggling with opioid withdrawal must also seek help, in a Stadol detox center.

How Long Will Stadol Detox Take?

Detox in a medical Stadol detox center will likely take about a month or 30 days. This is the amount of time most medical detox centers require patients to attend treatment, even though the process of Stadol withdrawal itself usually only takes about a week or two. This is because most detox centers want to make sure patients are stabilized and ready for the next phase of their recovery, which is usually rehab.

Here is the breakdown for the amount of time Stadol detox normally takes.

The first phase of detox lasts about 3-4 days in most cases.

It is often the most painful part of withdrawal. Most people experience intense bone, joint, and muscle pain as well as the flu-like symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal.

The second phase lasts about 3-5 days as well.

It is characterized by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, as well as lingering symptoms from the early phase. It can also be very uncomfortable during this part of detox.

The third phase can last anywhere from a day to 5 days.

This is because it is difficult to determine if an individual needs more time during withdrawal to kick out the last of their symptoms. A patient should NEVER leave treatment early. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a successful treatment outcome depends on the patient being able to recover fully from their symptoms, and staying in treatment for its full duration is necessary for this.

Other Stadol detox programs, however, may offer longer or shorter treatment based on the type of care they provide. For example, there is a type of detox that is focused on getting the patient through their symptoms as quickly as possible called rapid detox. This may only last a few days.

Let us help you find the best Stadol detox center for your recovery and answer any questions you may have about treatment. Call 800-996-6135(Info iconSponsored) now to learn more about your options for a safe, effective recovery from opioid dependence and addiction.

Are There Dangers?

Sadly, yes. There are many dangers associated with opioid withdrawal and especially with Stadol withdrawal. It is important to understand these before you or someone you love goes through this process.

  • Hallucinations: Unlike most other opioid withdrawal syndromes, Stadol dependence can cause hallucinations during withdrawal. This is dangerous, as many people are not prepared for it and can act in unpredictable ways.
  • Malnutrition: Some people stop eating during withdrawal and become malnourished and even anorexic.
  • Dehydration: It is very common for an individual to become dehydrated during withdrawal. The symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive sweating coupled with not drinking enough water can lead to this serious side effect.
  • Depression: Some individuals become so depressed during withdrawal that they experience suicidal thoughts.
  • Relapse: Withdrawal is the most dangerous time for a person relapse back to opioids. According to the NLM, this is when an individual is most likely to experience a deadly overdose because their tolerance will have diminished during withdrawal.

All of these issues can be monitored and treated in a Stadol detox center. However, some individuals insist on going through opioid withdrawal at home. This is very dangerous, and instead, you should seek treatment right away for this issue or ask your loved one to do the same. We can help you find the proper Stadol detox program, even if your loved one is resisting the need for treatment.

Contact now to find Stadol detox centers near you!

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What Treatment Options Are Available for Withdrawal?

There are a number of treatment options available in most local Stadol detox centers. Depending on your needs, your doctor will likely create an individualized program for your care.


Methadone is an opioid agonist drug that can be used to ease a patient through withdrawal or stabilize them in medication maintenance. This medication is usually best utilized when a patient has a severe dependency or addiction syndrome, as it is potent and has a high potential for abuse. Certain detox and rehab centers have government permission to dispense this drug (National Institute of Justice).


Buprenorphine is an opioid agonist-antagonist like Stadol. It can be used in the same way as methadone. Buprenorphine might be a safer choice for individuals going through Stadol detox, although your doctor will discuss your individual treatment plan with you.


Clonidine is an antihypertensive agent that can treat a number of the withdrawal symptoms associated with opioids. This drug cannot treat cravings, which is why it is usually reserved for those who are dependent and not addicted or those with mild dependencies.

Behavioral therapies

Most detox facilities will use behavioral therapies to help patients prepare for rehab, cope with comorbid disorders, and learn better ways to cope with their daily lives. Some of the behavioral therapies you are likely to encounter during detox are

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Contingency management

There are also certain types of detox programs that may be more useful to you, depending on your needs. These include

We would be more than happy to help you choose a program that will suit your recovery and begin a safe journey through detox and further treatment. Just call 800-996-6135(Info iconSponsored) today to be connected with a treatment advisor.

Inpatient or Outpatient Stadol Detox

Stadol detox centers also come in one of two varieties: inpatient and outpatient. Inpatient centers provide individuals with 24-hour care while outpatient centers do not. There are a number of other differences between these two programs, but this is the main difference.

Choosing between these two types of programs can be difficult if you are unsure what you need in terms of care. For those with less severe addictions, according to Health Services Research, outpatient treatment is the most cost-effective option. However, most Stadol addicts and dependents benefit more from inpatient treatment, especially early on in the detoxification process.

Benefits of Inpatient Stadol Detox

Inpatient Stadol detox has a number of benefits you should consider when choosing a detox program. For example, these centers are often more reliable in the sense that they offer well-rounded care. According to the NIDA, outpatient centers sometimes offer little more than drug education to patients. One must be more discerning when choosing an outpatient program.

Other benefits of inpatient detox are highlighted below.

  • Inpatient detox is better for those with comorbid disorders. Because people with addictions are so highly likely to suffer from one of these disorders and because Stadol causes hallucinations and depression during its withdrawal syndrome, this would likely be the best choice for your safe recovery.
  • Inpatient detox is also safer for those going through detox for the first time. Those who are concerned about the possibility of relapsing should also consider this option, as these programs offer 24-hour care in a controlled environment where relapse cannot occur.
  • Inpatient detox is also more likely to provide a number of amenities to patients even beyond accommodations and meals. Most inpatient centers offer holistic programs such as yoga and meditation to patients who can benefit from them.
  • Inpatient detox is a necessary option for those who do not have a support system of friends and family members during detox. As stated by the NIDA, having the support of loved ones can make an immense difference during addiction treatment, and if you do not have this, it can be difficult to go through recovery without it. In an inpatient center, however, you will be surrounded by people who support your recovery and want you to succeed.

Let us help you determine if inpatient care is right for you or your loved one. We can even help you find a program that fits your budget.

Find a Local Stadol Detox Center

We want to help you find local Stadol detox centers that suit your recovery. Our mission is to match potential patients with detox centers that will provide them with the best care possible. You only need to do one thing and that is to call 800-996-6135(Info iconSponsored) .

When you call, please have your insurance information ready, as we hope to match you with a detox program that will accept your plan. We also need to know if you have any disabilities, language barriers, or other needs that will require an accommodation. Once we discuss your requirements for care, we will match you with safe, effective Stadol detox programs in your area.

Stadol can cause dependence just like any other opioid drug. As a result, it is important that you seek the safe, professional care a detox program can provide if you or your loved one is suffering from this disorder.


  1. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2018). Butorphanol Nasal Spray.
  2. DailyMed (U.S. National Library of Medicine). (2006). Stadol NS- butorphanol tartrate spray.
  3. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. (2013). Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Treatment and Pediatric Outcomes.
  4. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition)- What Helps People Stay In Treatment?
  5. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2016). Opiate and Opioid Withdrawal.
  6. National Institute of Justice. (2011). Program Profile: Methadone Maintenance Treatment.
  7. Health Services Research. (2003). Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness of Four Treatment Modalities for Substance Disorders: A Propensity Score Analysis.
  8. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition)- Types of Treatment Programs.
  9. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition)- How Can Family and Friends Make a Difference in the Life of Someone Needing Treatment? 
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