Stimulants detox is normally necessary as a treatment for one’s stimulants dependence, but sadly, many people try to go through withdrawal on their own. This is severely dangerous, and in some cases, can even be deadly. This is why it is so important to seek stimulants withdrawal treatment in a safe, professional environment such as a detox center.
Need help finding the recovery options you need to fight stimulant dependence, withdrawal, and addiction? Call 800-996-6135 today and learn more about your options.
Understanding Stimulants Detox
Stimulants can be helpful medications in the case of certain individuals, especially those whose illnesses cannot be treated successfully by any other means. For example, the National Library of Medicine states that Adderall—a popular ADHD medication—contains dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, two kinds of stimulant drugs. These medications can treat a number of conditions, and as long as they are taken as prescribed, they have few side effects.
The most commonly prescribed stimulant drugs include
- Dextroamphetaminea and amphetamine: Adderall, Mydayis
- Dextroamphetamine: Dexedrine
- Methylphenidate: Ritalin, Concerta, Methylin
- Methamphetamine: Desoxyn
- Lisdexamfetamine: Vyvanse
One of the common effects of these drugs, however, is that they can cause dependency when a person takes them consistently for more than a few weeks. As a result, patients being treated with stimulants are advised not to suddenly stop taking these drugs, as this act could lead to serious symptoms. These symptoms are the product of stimulants withdrawal.
Some individuals also abuse stimulant drugs because they cause an intense high when taken in large doses, as well as other desirable effects. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens, stimulant abuse can be attractive to teens and college students looking to enhance their academic performance. This kind of use can lead to addiction and dependence, and those who experience these issues will often require detox as the first part of their substance abuse treatment. Detox cannot treat addiction on its own, but it is a beneficial first step in one’s journey of recovery.
Whether you are taking stimulants as prescribed or not, it is always important to remember how dangerous their effects can be. As such, it is important to prepare for dependence and withdrawal and to always seek help if you think this is likely to happen to you.
Stimulants Withdrawal Symptoms
Stimulants withdrawal can cause some of the most intense psychological effects experienced during a withdrawal syndrome. Sadly, many people are unaware of this fact, and this can cause a person to suffer in silence during this syndrome. This is just another reason why it is so important to seek safe, effective detox treatment in a professional stimulants detox program. Find the best option for your treatment needs today by calling 800-996-6135 .
Stimulants withdrawal symptoms can include
- Jitteriness
- Agitated paranoia
- Extreme frustration
- Intense cravings for the drug
- Weight loss
- Anorexia
- Dehydration
- Fatigue
- Lethargy
- Dulled senses
- Chills
- Hunger
- Sudden psychomotor lethargy
- Long periods of sleep
- Anxiety
- Social withdrawal
- Memory problems
- Irritability
- Depression
- Anhedonia (or the inability to experience pleasure)
In most cases, stimulants withdrawal causes effects that cannot be seen by others—like the shaking of alcohol withdrawal—but rather psychological problems that can become extremely severe. This is why people who are likely to experience these effects are urged to seek treatment.
Cause of Stimulants Withdrawal
Stimulants withdrawal occurs when people become dependent on these drugs. If the individual is suddenly unable to gain more of the drug, they will experience the symptoms listed above. Stimulants withdrawal can occur if an individual
- Takes the drug without a prescription
- Takes more of the drug than they were prescribed
- Takes the drug more often than prescribed
- Takes the drug in a different way than prescribed -many people crush and snort stimulant medications in order to bring on the high much quicker, similarly to the way cocaine is abused (National Institute on Drug Abuse)
Any of these types of use can create a dependency. However, even those who take stimulants exactly as prescribed can become dependent, as dependency is different from addiction. It is always important to talk to your doctor about your medication, especially if you are taking stimulants often and regularly, and to be aware of the risk factors associated with drug dependence.
Stimulants detox centers can help you withdraw safely. If you choose to go through this program at home, you could severely endanger yourself or even your loved ones. Call 800-996-6135 now to learn more about treatment.
How Long Will Stimulants Detox Take?
According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, detox from stimulants has three main phases: the crash period, the intermediate withdrawal period, and the late withdrawal period. They can be identified by the different effects they create.
During the initial period, patients usually experience an intense crash sensation, mostly because individuals who abuse stimulants take them in large doses for a prolonged period of time in order to stretch out their high.
The symptoms experienced during the crash period are often a low point, the antithesis of the high of stimulant abuse. The symptoms commonly experienced at this point are
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Agitation
- Cravings
During the intermediate withdrawal period, patients usually start to level out but they will stay very mellow. In many cases, they will experience fatigue, a loss of energy, and a minimized ability to feel pleasure and react to their surrounding environment.
During the late withdrawal period, patients may suddenly experience cravings equal to those they experienced just after stimulants withdrawal began. This can be quite intense and unpredictable.
Stimulants detox often takes much longer than other detox programs. This is because the symptoms of the crash and intermediate periods last for a long time—sometimes months or more—but also because most patients will experience renewed cravings even later on, which marks the late withdrawal period. This is a serious issue because some individuals can experience cravings months or even years after the last time they used the drug. As such, most people require a stimulants detox program that allows them to withdraw slowly, lasting as long as a month or two.
Are There Dangers?
Unfortunately, there are many dangers associated with stimulants detox. This withdrawal syndrome, though not considered to be one of the most outright dangerous syndromes, can be unpredictable and some people experience severe psychological symptoms that can put them in danger of hurting themselves or others.
Depression is one of the most serious potential side effects of stimulants detox, especially because it is so common. Those who experience this symptom may also feel suicidal and may even act upon suicidal thoughts. This is one reason why it is paramount that you seek local stimulants detox centers for your loved one.
Anxiety is another possible side effect that can become serious. Many people relapse because they become so anxious without the drug. Especially those who suffer from co-occurring mental disorders are in danger during stimulants detox. According to the Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior, having a family history of mental health disorders is a common cause of stimulant addiction. Still, treatment will need to take place in a professional care center in every case.
In some cases, seizures may occur in those who are detoxing from stimulants. This is not a common side effect, but it is one that can occur, which is just another reason why professional treatment is necessary.
Drug-induced psychosis is one of the final dangers associated with this disorder. Many people experience this as a side effect of withdrawal. As stated by SAMHSA, before patients experience the lethargic and depressive symptoms associated with this syndrome, there is a possibility they might experience psychotic symptoms such as
- Delirium
- Fear
- Severe anxiety
- Delusions
- Hallucinations
- Aggressive or violent behavior
This final, severe side effect associated with stimulants withdrawal can end in dangerous behavior that harms the individual and/or their loved ones. If you think someone you love is experiencing these symptoms now, call 911 immediately. Otherwise, call 800-996-6135 to help your loved one get the treatment they need in a safe stimulants detox program.
Of course, relapse is also a serious potential side effect of withdrawal. Many people do not understand how severe their cravings for the drug will be, which can lead to a serious relapse and other effects. Making sure your loved one is in professional detox treatment is the best way to avoid any of these potential dangers.
What Treatment Options Are Available for Withdrawal?
There are a number of treatment options available for those in stimulants detox. Unfortunately, though, there are no options for medication maintenance in the way that opioid dependence is treated. According to the National Library of Medicine, however, there are certain medications that can be useful for stimulants detox treatment.
- SSRIs and other antidepressants are sometimes used to treat those with severe depressive symptoms. This is especially necessary when an individual already has a co-occurring depressive syndrome, as the symptoms will only likely get worse during withdrawal.
- Anticraving agents are sometimes used to treat the severe cravings one experiences during stimulants withdrawal, if they are addicted to the drug.
- Neuroleptics may be used if an individual is experiencing severe delirium or other psychotic effects. These drugs can help to soothe the individual and keep them from hurting themselves or others.
Naturally, behavioral therapies are also used during most stimulants detox programs. This is because there are no specific medications approved for the treatment of this syndrome, and most facilities must rely on behavioral therapies to help treat the severe psychological symptoms of withdrawal.
Behavioral therapies can help patients begin to recognize the reasons for their substance abuse and why this issue got out of hand. These programs are also helpful in teaching patients to cope better with emotional and stressful situations in the future, which can help prevent a relapse. Behavioral therapies utilized during detox treatment can help set the stage for rehab. After all, detox is only the first part of addiction recovery treatment, and those who need it can start during detox.
Some of the most commonly used behavioral therapies for stimulant detox include
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy, a program that teaches patients to recognize when they may relapse and to be aware of their triggers
- Contingency management, a program that provides patients with a reward when they provide a negative drug test
- The Matrix Model, a program designed specifically for stimulant abusers that helps patients engage in their treatment with the eventual goal of abstinence (NIDA)
- Group therapy, a program that asks patients to learn from and work with other substance abusers who can provide them with much-needed peer support
Not every stimulants detox center is the same, and not every patient will be able to recover with the same treatments. This is why there are so many types of detox programs to help patients put an end to their drug abuse. Some of the more popular options include
- Medical detox, a program that offers patients evidence-based treatments like medications and behavioral therapies
- Holistic detox, a program that offers holistic care in addition to evidence-based care
- Spiritual detox, a program that helps patients get in touch with their spirituality during detox
- Non-medical detox, a program that does not provide medication of any kind
- Free detox, a program that offers free or low-cost care to those who truly need it
If one of these options sounds like it may benefit your recovery, call 800-996-6135 now to learn more.
Inpatient or Outpatient Stimulants Detox
Choosing between inpatient and outpatient stimulants detox is part of the recovery process, and it is one of the more important decisions you will make. Here are the general aspects of inpatient vs. outpatient care.
Inpatient detox treatment…
- Offers 24-hour care.
- Takes place in a controlled environment.
- Provides accommodations and meals.
- Gives patients one-on-one care.
- Is more intensive than outpatient treatment.
- Usually offers holistic options for recovery.
Outpatient detox treatment…
- Does not offer 24-hour care.
- Provides one-on-one care on a regular basis.
- Offers fewer treatment options than most inpatient programs.
- Allows patients to come and go according to a decided upon schedule.
- Provides patients with more freedom during detox.
In general, patients who have a co-occurring mental disorder or any psychological issues during detox should choose an inpatient program (Psychiatric Quarterly). As such, it is better to seek inpatient treatment for stimulants detox.
Contact now to find inpatient and outpatient stimulants detox centers in your area!
Benefits of Inpatient Stimulants Detox
Inpatient care has a number of benefits for stimulants-dependent individuals, including
- A controlled environment where relapse cannot occur
- Accommodations, meals, and all the comforts of home
- Help with day-to-day tasks
- A chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, including the stressors that may have led to one’s substance abuse
- Behavioral therapies that can be very beneficial to those experiencing psychological withdrawal symptoms
- An easy transition from detox to rehab
Most people who are going through stimulants withdrawal will require inpatient care, specifically because the syndrome is so unpredictable and dangerous. However, every patient’s treatment program should be based on their specific situation. Choosing the best option for your or your loved one’s recovery should be based on the patient’s requirements for care.
Find a Local Stimulants Detox Center
We want to help you find local stimulants detox centers where you can begin your recovery. We strive to ensure that you can find the best options for your current situation, a process that involves
- Checking your insurance for which programs will accept it
- Finding a facility that offers care within your budget
- Helping you choose the option that will make you feel most comfortable
We are standing by to help stimulant-dependent individuals find the help they need. Just call 800-996-6135 today, and you can begin your journey of recovery as soon as possible.
- U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2017). Dextroamphetamine and Amphetamine.
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2017). Prescription Stimulant Medications (Amphetamines).
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Prescription Stimulants.
- U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. (n.d.). Treatment of Acute Intoxication and Withdrawal from Drugs of Abuse. Adapted or excerpted from: The Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment (2nd Edition).
- Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. (n.d.). Stimulant Addiction: Crystal Meth, Cocaine, and Prescription Stimulants.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2005). Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 42.: Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co-Occurring Disorders.
- U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2008). The Search for Medications to Treat Stimulant Dependence.
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (3rd Edition).
- The Psychiatric Quarterly. (1993). Inpatient vs Outpatient Treatment for Substance Dependence Revisited.