How to Choose the Best Suboxone Detox Clinic

Suboxone is a medication commonly used to help people overcome opioid dependence. But just like other opioids, Suboxone is habit-forming and can lead to problems with dependence and addiction. Getting help at a Suboxone detox clinic is one of the safest ways to stop using this drug without putting yourself at great risk for complications that can arise from Suboxone withdrawal symptoms. But before you choose a Suboxone detox center, it’s important that you identify your personal recovery needs and explore all available treatment options so you can benefit from a safe, comfortable, and successful recovery.

Here’s a closer look at available Suboxone detox treatments, as well as features to look for when choosing a Suboxone detox clinic for you or your loved one.

What Are My Suboxone Detox Options?

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The purpose of a Suboxone detox is to completely remove this drug from your body so you no longer need it to ward off opioid cravings and withdrawal symptoms. A Suboxone detox helps you overcome physical dependence so you can become healthier and move forward with living a drug-free lifestyle. Though Suboxone is an FDA-approved medication useful at helping people fight opioid addiction, this drug is still an opioid itself and increases your risk for addiction when used long-term.

A Suboxone detox can be performed as a rapid detox, medical detox, or natural detox — the latter of which is sometimes also called a medically supervised detox or holistic detox. Each of these detox methods comes with its own set of pros and cons, and treats Suboxone withdrawal in its own unique way that may or may not involve the use of medications. Knowing more about these common detox methods can help you choose the best Suboxone detox clinic for you.

Rapid Suboxone Detox

A rapid Suboxone detox allows you to quickly withdraw from Suboxone within one to five days with moderate sedation, or within 24 hours under general anesthesia. During a rapid opiate detox, you can sleep or remain sedated as your body endures all the stages of Suboxone withdrawal. This prevents you from having to suffer pain and discomfort typically caused by Suboxone withdrawal symptoms such as drug cravings, muscle aches, and nausea.

After you become sedated for a rapid Suboxone detox, you’ll be monitored around the clock by trained nurses and doctors who administer naltrexone intravenously along with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that help boost your immune system. Naltrexone is a medication that blocks opioid receptors and triggers the Suboxone withdrawal process. Other medications may be used with naltrexone to help you get safely through Suboxone withdrawal with a lowered risk for complications and side effects.

A rapid Suboxone detox is ideal for those who are extremely motivated to get sober and begin therapy for Suboxone addiction. A rapid detox is also ideal for working professionals who don’t want too much downtime from work, and for parents and caregivers who must quickly get back to raising their families and caring for loved ones. While a rapid detox may allow you to avoid the most severe of Suboxone withdrawal symptoms, this detox method won’t prevent the onset of post-acute withdrawal syndrome or PAWS symptoms such as insomnia and depression. Some potential risks associated with rapid detox include allergic reactions and complications from anesthesia, an increased risk for relapse, and death.

Medical Suboxone Detox

A medical Suboxone detox allows you to slowly and gradually come off Suboxone using a tapering schedule. Tapering is when your doctor slightly reduces your Suboxone dose every few days or weeks until you’re no longer using or dependent on the drug. This detox method helps lessen and prevent the onset of Suboxone withdrawal since your body is given time to slowly adjust to lower doses.

Being on a Suboxone tapering schedule requires you to stay in close contact with your doctors so they can adjust your doses as needed to ensure you experience a safe, comfortable recovery. For instance, if you experience nausea after switching to a lower dose of Suboxone, your doctor can slightly increase your dose to eliminate your nausea, and taper you off the drug at a slower, more gradual pace.

A medical detox is ideal for those who want to overcome Suboxone dependence without having to suffer greatly from Suboxone withdrawal symptoms. A medical detox is also far less risky than a rapid detox since no anesthesia is involved, but may take up to several weeks or months depending on factors surrounding the patient’s health and history with addiction. Another top benefit to a medical Suboxone detox is being able to continue with daily life and perform normal activities without being debilitated by Suboxone withdrawal symptoms.

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Natural Suboxone Detox

A natural Suboxone detox allows you to withdraw from Suboxone at your body’s own natural pace without the use of a tapering schedule or medications. This usually involves quitting Suboxone cold turkey and stopping the medication abruptly. A natural detox is sometimes referred to as a medically supervised detox by some treatment centers — meaning you’ll be monitored closely by nurses and doctors as you go through Suboxone withdrawal. A natural detox may also be referred to as a holistic detox, especially when alternative therapies are used to help relieve Suboxone withdrawal symptoms.

Therapies commonly used to relieve withdrawal symptoms during a natural detox include acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, nutrition therapy, and exercise therapy. Massage and exercise therapies help expel toxins like Suboxone from your body in the form of waste, while nutrition therapy teaches you how certain vitamins and nutrients can boost your brain health and regulate brain chemistry affected by long-term opioid use.

A natural detox is ideal for people recovering at an inpatient Suboxone detox clinic where they can be monitored closely for complications during withdrawal. This detox method is also ideal for those who wish to withdraw from Suboxone without having to continue with prescription drug use, and for those who may have adopted a holistic approach to health care. A natural detox from Suboxone should NEVER take place at home, since withdrawing from Suboxone without medical supervision can increase the risk for relapse, overdose, and death.

Should I Attend Inpatient or Outpatient Suboxone Detox?

Suboxone detox can take place in either an inpatient or outpatient setting depending on the detox method you choose. A rapid Suboxone detox must take place in an inpatient setting where you can be monitored 24/7 by medical staff, while therapy for Suboxone addiction can take place at either an inpatient or outpatient recovery center. A medical Suboxone detox can take place at an inpatient or outpatient center, while a natural detox is safest when conducted in a safe, controlled inpatient environment.

How do you know which program is best for you? Here’s a look at the differences, pros, and cons of inpatient and outpatient detox programs for Suboxone.

Inpatient Detox

An inpatient Suboxone detox allows you to benefit from 24/7 care and supervision from trained, professional medical staff who can intervene at any time during detox to treat serious complications. An inpatient setting separates you from drugs of abuse like heroin and alcohol, and from negative influences in your life who could interfere with your recovery. Going through Suboxone withdrawal at an inpatient detox center also helps you establish a new healthy daily routine you can continue practicing long after you finish your treatment program.

Inpatient detox programs can last anywhere between 21 days and 12 months or longer, depending on your unique recovery needs and preferences. Suboxone detox is usually the first stage of treatment, and is followed with therapies that help you overcome the root causes of your addiction. Many inpatient detox programs are focused on helping you overcome addiction as a whole both physically and mentally so you can leave rehab with a refreshed, renewed outlook on your life and future.

Disadvantages to choosing inpatient detox include time away from work, school, and family as you recover from Suboxone addiction. However, this can be viewed as an advantage for those who wish to escape stressors associated with daily responsibilities. Inpatient detox is also relatively higher in cost compared to outpatient detox programs, but can be made affordable for nearly anyone on behalf of factors like health insurance, sliding scale fees, grants and scholarships, and private, state, or federal funding.

Outpatient Detox

An outpatient Suboxone detox allows you retain your freedom and continue going about your normal daily activities while in recovery. An outpatient detox is most ideal for those who are tapering slowly from Suboxone as part of a medical detox, since this detox method is not debilitating and doesn’t interfere with your ability to perform everyday tasks. You can take your daily dose of Suboxone while continuing to go to work or school, or while running a household and caring for your family.

An outpatient detox is normally paired with daily or weekly therapy sessions to help you stay on track with sobriety. Tapering from Suboxone only helps you overcome Suboxone dependence, but therapy is needed to help you overcome Suboxone addiction. Therapy for addiction may include individual, group, and family therapy sessions, along with 12-step support group meetings and relapse prevention training.

Outpatient detox programs are generally lower in cost than many inpatient detox programs. However, a major disadvantage to choosing outpatient detox is an increased risk for relapse, since your daily environment may be exposing you to triggers that can lead to continued Suboxone or opioid abuse. If you haven’t learned the skills needed to manage and overcome common triggers that can lead to relapse, an outpatient detox may not be your best option.

What Makes a Suboxone Detox Clinic Effective?

The most effective Suboxone detox clinics will do everything in their power to make sure you experience a safe, full recovery from Suboxone addiction. An effective Suboxone detox clinic will customize their treatments for you based on your personal needs, and may have higher success rates than other detox clinics. A great detox clinic will also offer ongoing therapy and aftercare programs so you can constantly learn new skills that help you stay sober for life.

What else makes a Suboxone detox clinic effective? Here are features and services to look into when choosing a Suboxone detox center.


Every state has its own accreditation agency to make sure patients can receive effective treatment overseen and facilitated by qualified staff, and conducted at facilities overseen by the accreditation agency. Avoid detox centers that are lack accreditation, since these facilities may not practice ethical standards of care or provide safe, evidence-based therapies. Contact SAMHSA to find out whether a certain detox center is accredited, or call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-996-6135 for help with finding an accredited Suboxone detox clinic in your area.

Staff Qualifications

The best Suboxone detox clinics are staffed with experienced, properly licensed medical professionals. All staff members should be fully trained on how to help you get safely through Suboxone withdrawal with minimal complications. Look for detox centers staffed with doctors, nurses, psychologists, therapists, addiction counselors, and other treatment specialists who can teach you useful skills that promote healthy, sober living.

Patient-to-Staff Ratio

Look for a Suboxone detox clinic with a low patient-to-staff ratio, which means you may receive more personalized treatment that fully addresses all your recovery needs. A low patient-to-staff ratio also means you may have greater access to counselors and other addiction experts that can work more closely with you on overcoming Suboxone abuse.

Therapy and Aftercare

Detox only addresses Suboxone dependence, but therapy and extended care programs help you stay sober by treating your addiction. Common causes of addiction include mental health disorders, environment, and certain negative thoughts and behaviors. Aftercare programs offer therapies including dual diagnosis treatment, 12-step support groups, and cognitive behavioral therapy to help you overcome the root causes of your addiction and lower your risk for relapse.

Find a Suboxone Detox Clinic Near You

Finding a reliable, accredited Suboxone detox clinic doesn’t have to be overwhelming — especially if you’re fighting to overcome Suboxone and opioid dependence. Use our drug detox center directory to explore nearby detox clinics in your city and state, and to learn more about the treatments and services available at those facilities.

Ready to begin your recovery journey? Call 800-996-6135 to learn about available treatment programs for drug and alcohol addiction.

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